sourceinsight 头文件和函数注释的宏实现
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macro InsertFileComment(){        hbuf = GetCurrentBuf()    ln = 0    szName = "pengchao"    szContent = "";    SysTime = GetSysTime(1)    szYear=SysTime.Year    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 0,  "/********************************************************************************")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1,  "")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2,  " **** Copyright (C), @szYear@, xx xx xx xx info&tech Co., Ltd.                ****")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 3,  "")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 4,  " ********************************************************************************")    sz = GetFileName(GetBufName (hbuf))    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 5,  " * File Name     : @sz@")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 6,  " * Author        : @szName@")    SysTime = GetSysTime(1)    sz=SysTime.Year    sz1=SysTime.month    sz3=SysTime.day    if (sz1 < 10)        {            szMonth = "0@sz1@"           }           else           {               szMonth = sz1           }           if (sz3 < 10)        {            szDay = "0@sz3@"           }           else           {               szDay = sz3           }    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 7,  " * Date          : @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@")      szTmp = " * Description   : "    nlnDesc = ln    iLen = strlen (szContent)    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 8, " * Description   : @szContent@")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 9, " * Version       : 1.0")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 10," * Function List :")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 11," * ")    //插入函数列表    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 12, " * Record        :")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 13, " * 1.Date        : @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 14, " *   Author      : @szName@")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 15, " *   Modification: Created file")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 16, "")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 17, "*************************************************************************************************************/")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 18, "")     if(iLen != 0)    {        return    }        //如果没有功能描述内容则提示输入    //szContent = Ask("Description")    SetBufIns(hbuf,nlnDesc + 14,0)    DelBufLine(hbuf,nlnDesc +10)        //注释输出处理,自动换行    CommentContent(hbuf,nlnDesc + 10,"  Description   : ",szContent,0)}
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macro InsertFuncComment()  //macro FuncHeadCommentEN(hbuf, ln, szFunc, szMyName,newFunc){    hbuf = GetCurrentBuf()    hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()    ln  = GetWndSelLnFirst(hwnd)     szMyName =  "pengchao"    szFunc = GetCurSymbol()    newFunc = 0    iIns = 0    if(newFunc != 1)    {        symbol = GetSymbolLocationFromLn(hbuf, ln)        if(strlen(symbol) > 0)        {            hTmpBuf = NewBuf("Tempbuf")                            //将文件参数头整理成一行并去掉了注释            szLine = GetFunctionDef(hbuf,symbol)                        iBegin = symbol.ichName                        //取出返回值定义            szTemp = strmid(szLine,0,iBegin)            szTemp = TrimString(szTemp)            szRet =  GetFirstWord(szTemp)            if(symbol.Type == "Method")            {                szTemp = strmid(szTemp,strlen(szRet),strlen(szTemp))                szTemp = TrimString(szTemp)                if(szTemp == "::")                {                    szRet = ""                }            }            if(toupper (szRet) == "MACRO")            {                //对于宏返回值特殊处理                szRet = ""            }                        //从函数头分离出函数参数            nMaxParamSize = GetWordFromString(hTmpBuf,szLine,iBegin,strlen(szLine),"(",",",")")            lnMax = GetBufLineCount(hTmpBuf)            ln = symbol.lnFirst            SetBufIns (hbuf, ln, 0)        }    }    else    {        lnMax = 0        szRet = ""        szLine = ""    }    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "/*****************************************************************************")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+1, " * Function      : @szFunc@")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+2, " * Description   : ")    oldln  = ln     szIns = " * Input         : "    if(newFunc != 1)    {        //对于已经存在的函数输出输入参数表        i = 0        while ( i < lnMax)         {            szTmp = GetBufLine(hTmpBuf, i)            nLen = strlen(szTmp);                        //对齐参数后面的空格,实际是对齐后面的参数的说明            szBlank = CreateBlankString(nMaxParamSize - nLen + 2)            szTmp = cat(szTmp,szBlank)            ln = ln + 1            szTmp = cat(szIns,szTmp)            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+2, "@szTmp@")            iIns = 1            szIns = "                   "            i = i + 1        }            closebuf(hTmpBuf)    }    if(iIns == 0)    {                   ln = ln + 1            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+2, " * Input          : None")    }    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+3, " * Output        : None")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+4, " * Return        : @szRet@")    /*InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+5, " Calls        : ")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+6, " Called By    : ")*/    InsbufLIne(hbuf, ln+5, " * Others        : ");        SysTime = GetSysTime(1);    sz1=SysTime.Year    sz2=SysTime.month    sz3=SysTime.day    if (sz2 < 10)    {        szMonth = "0@sz2@"       }       else       {           szMonth = sz2       }       if (sz3 < 10)    {        szDay = "0@sz3@"       }       else       {           szDay = sz3       }    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 6, " * Record")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 7, " * 1.Date        : @sz1@@szMonth@@szDay@")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 8, " *   Author      : @szMyName@")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 9, " *   Modification: Created function")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 10, "")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 11, "*****************************************************************************/")    if ((newFunc == 1) && (strlen(szFunc)>0))    {        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+12, "VOS_UINT32  @szFunc@( # )")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+13, "{
"); InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+14, " #"); InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+15, "}"); SearchForward() } hwnd = GetCurrentWnd() if (hwnd == 0) stop sel = GetWndSel(hwnd) sel.ichFirst = 0 sel.ichLim = sel.ichFirst sel.lnFirst = ln + 12 sel.lnLast = ln + 12 //szContent = Ask("Description") DelBufLine(hbuf,oldln + 2) setWndSel(hwnd,sel) newln = CommentContent(hbuf,oldln + 2," * Description : ",szContent,0) - 2 ln = ln + newln - oldln if ((newFunc == 1) && (strlen(szFunc)>0)) { //提示输入函数返回值名 szRet = Ask("Please input return value type") if(strlen(szRet) > 0) { PutBufLine(hbuf, ln+4, " * Return : @szRet@") PutBufLine(hbuf, ln+12, "@szRet@ @szFunc@( # )") SetbufIns(hbuf,ln+12,strlen(szRet)+strlen(szFunc) + 3 } szFuncDef = "" isFirstParam = 1 sel.ichFirst = strlen(szFunc)+strlen(szRet) + 3 sel.ichLim = sel.ichFirst + 1 //循环输入新函数的参数 while (1) { szParam = ask("Please input parameter") szParam = TrimString(szParam) szTmp = cat(szIns,szParam) szParam = cat(szFuncDef,szParam) sel.lnFirst = ln + 12 sel.lnLast = ln + 12 setWndSel(hwnd,sel) sel.ichFirst = sel.ichFirst + strlen(szParam) sel.ichLim = sel.ichFirst oldsel = sel if(isFirstParam == 1) { PutBufLine(hbuf, ln+2, "@szTmp@") isFirstParam = 0 } else { ln = ln + 1 InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+2, "@szTmp@") oldsel.lnFirst = ln + 12 oldsel.lnLast = ln + 12 } SetBufSelText(hbuf,szParam) szIns = " " szFuncDef = ", " oldsel.lnFirst = ln + 14 oldsel.lnLast = ln + 14 oldsel.ichFirst = 4 oldsel.ichLim = 5 setWndSel(hwnd,oldsel) } } return ln + 15}
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/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : AutoExpand ��������  : ��չ������ں��� �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��18��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �޸�*****************************************************************************/macro AutoExpand(){    //������Ϣ    // get window, sel, and buffer handles    hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()    if (hwnd == 0)        stop    sel = GetWndSel(hwnd)    if(sel.lnFirst != sel.lnLast)     {        /*�������*/        BlockCommandProc()    }    if (sel.ichFirst == 0)        stop    hbuf = GetWndBuf(hwnd)    language = getreg(LANGUAGE)    if(language != 1)    {        language = 0    }    nVer = 0    nVer = GetVersion()    /*ȡ���û���*/    szMyName = getreg(MYNAME)    if(strlen( szMyName ) == 0)    {        szMyName = Ask("Enter your name:")        setreg(MYNAME, szMyName)    }    // get line the selection (insertion point) is on    szLine = GetBufLine(hbuf, sel.lnFirst);    // parse word just to the left of the insertion point    wordinfo = GetWordLeftOfIch(sel.ichFirst, szLine)    ln = sel.lnFirst;    chTab = CharFromAscii(9)            // prepare a new indented blank line to be inserted.    // keep white space on left and add a tab to indent.    // this preserves the indentation level.    chSpace = CharFromAscii(32);    ich = 0    while (szLine[ich] == chSpace || szLine[ich] == chTab)    {        ich = ich + 1    }    szLine1 = strmid(szLine,0,ich)    szLine = strmid(szLine, 0, ich) # "    "        sel.lnFirst = sel.lnLast    sel.ichFirst = wordinfo.ich    sel.ichLim = wordinfo.ich    /*�Զ���ɼ������ƥ����ʾ*/    wordinfo.szWord = RestoreCommand(hbuf,wordinfo.szWord)    sel = GetWndSel(hwnd)    if (wordinfo.szWord == "pn") /*���ⵥ�ŵĴ���*/    {        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        AddPromblemNo()        return    }    /*��������ִ��*/    else if (wordinfo.szWord == "config" || wordinfo.szWord == "co")    {        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        ConfigureSystem()        return    }    /*�޸���ʷ��¼����*/    else if (wordinfo.szWord == "hi")    {        InsertHistory(hbuf,ln+1,language)        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        return    }    else if (wordinfo.szWord == "abg")    {        sel.ichFirst = sel.ichFirst - 3        SetWndSel(hwnd,sel)        InsertReviseAdd()        PutBufLine(hbuf, ln+1 ,szLine1)        SetBufIns(hwnd,ln+1,sel.ichFirst)        return    }    else if (wordinfo.szWord == "dbg")    {        sel.ichFirst = sel.ichFirst - 3        SetWndSel(hwnd,sel)        InsertReviseDel()        PutBufLine(hbuf, ln+1 ,szLine1)        SetBufIns(hwnd,ln+1,sel.ichFirst)        return    }    else if (wordinfo.szWord == "mbg")    {        sel.ichFirst = sel.ichFirst - 3        SetWndSel(hwnd,sel)        InsertReviseMod()        PutBufLine(hbuf, ln+1 ,szLine1)        SetBufIns(hwnd,ln+1,sel.ichFirst)        return    }    if(language == 1)    {        ExpandProcEN(szMyName,wordinfo,szLine,szLine1,nVer,ln,sel)    }    else    {        ExpandProcCN(szMyName,wordinfo,szLine,szLine1,nVer,ln,sel)    }}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : ExpandProcEN ��������  : Ӣ��˵������չ����� �������  : szMyName  �û���             wordinfo               szLine                 szLine1                nVer                   ln                     sel        �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��19��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���  2.��    ��   : 2011��2��16��    ��    ��   : ���    �޸�����   : �޸����ⵥ��Ϊmantis�ţ��޸�ʱ���ʽΪxxxxxxxx���ꡢ�¡��գ���               �м�û�зָ�������ӵ���ע�ͣ��Զ���չ��Ϊ"an"  3.��    ��   : 2011��2��22��    ��    ��   : ���    �޸�����   : �޸ĵ���ע��ͷΪadd by��delete by��modify by���Զ���չ��ֱ�Ϊ"as"��"ds"��"ms"    			 �޸ĵ���ע��Ϊ��������е���?�ɾ�����������    			 ɾ��ԭ�Զ���չ��Ϊ"an"�ĵ���ע��*****************************************************************************/macro ExpandProcEN(szMyName,wordinfo,szLine,szLine1,nVer,ln,sel){      szCmd = wordinfo.szWord    hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()    if (hwnd == 0)        stop    hbuf = GetWndBuf(hwnd)    /*Ӣ��ע��*/    if (szCmd == "/*")    {           if(wordinfo.ichLim > 70)        {            Msg("The right margine is small, Please use a new line")            stop         }        szCurLine = GetBufLine(hbuf, sel.lnFirst);        szLeft = strmid(szCurLine,0,wordinfo.ichLim)        lineLen = strlen(szCurLine)        kk = 0        while(wordinfo.ichLim + kk < lineLen)        {            if((szCurLine[wordinfo.ichLim + kk] != " ")||(szCurLine[wordinfo.ichLim + kk] != "\t")            {                msg("you must insert /* at the end of a line");                return            }            kk = kk + 1        }        szContent = Ask("Please input comment")        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        szLeft = cat( szLeft, " ")        CommentContent(hbuf,ln,szLeft,szContent,1)                    return    }    else if(szCmd == "{")    {        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine@")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLine1@" # "}");        SetBufIns (hbuf, ln + 1, strlen(szLine))        return    }    else if (szCmd == "while" )    {        SetBufSelText(hbuf, " ( # )")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine1@" # "{");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLine@" # "#");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 3, "@szLine1@" # "}");    }    else if( szCmd == "else" )    {        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine1@" # "{");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLine@");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 3, "@szLine1@" # "}");        SetBufIns (hbuf, ln + 2, strlen(szLine))        return    }    else if (szCmd == "#ifd" || szCmd == "#ifdef") //#ifdef    {        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        InsIfdef()        return    }    else if (szCmd == "#ifn" || szCmd == "#ifndef") //#ifndef    {        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        InsIfndef()        return    }    else if (szCmd == "#if")    {        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        InsertPredefIf()        return    }    else if (szCmd == "cpp")    {        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        InsertCPP(hbuf,ln)        return    }        else if (szCmd == "if")    {        SetBufSelText(hbuf, " ( # )")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine1@" # "{");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLine@" # "#");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 3, "@szLine1@" # "}");/*            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 4, "@szLine1@" # "else");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 5, "@szLine1@" # "{");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 6, "@szLine@" # ";");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 7, "@szLine1@" # "}");*/    }    else if (szCmd == "ef")    {        PutBufLine(hbuf, ln, szLine1 # "else if ( # )")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine1@" # "{");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLine@" # "#");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 3, "@szLine1@" # "}");    }    else if (szCmd == "ife")    {        PutBufLine(hbuf, ln, szLine1 # "if ( # )")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine1@" # "{");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLine@" # "#");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 3, "@szLine1@" # "}");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 4, "@szLine1@" # "else");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 5, "@szLine1@" # "{");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 6, "@szLine@" # ";");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 7, "@szLine1@" # "}");    }    else if (szCmd == "ifs")    {        PutBufLine(hbuf, ln, szLine1 # "if ( # )")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine1@" # "{");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLine@" # "#");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 3, "@szLine1@" # "}");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 4, "@szLine1@" # "else if ( # )");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 5, "@szLine1@" # "{");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 6, "@szLine@" # ";");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 7, "@szLine1@" # "}");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 8, "@szLine1@" # "else");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 9, "@szLine1@" # "{");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 10, "@szLine@" # ";");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 11, "@szLine1@" # "}");    }    else if (szCmd == "for")    {        SetBufSelText(hbuf, " (#; #; #)")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine1@" # "{")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLine@" # "#")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 3, "@szLine1@" # "}")        SetWndSel(hwnd, sel)        SearchForward()        szVar = ask("Please input loop variable")        newsel = sel        newsel.ichLim = GetBufLineLength (hbuf, ln)        SetWndSel(hwnd, newsel)        SetBufSelText(hbuf, " (@szVar@ = #; @szVar@ #; @szVar@++)")    }    else if (szCmd == "fo")    {        SetBufSelText(hbuf, "r (ulI = 0; ulI < #; ulI++)")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine1@" # "{")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLine@" # "#")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 3, "@szLine1@" # "}")        symname =GetCurSymbol ()        symbol = GetSymbolLocation(symname)        if(strlen(symbol) > 0)        {            nIdx = symbol.lnName + 1;            while( 1 )            {                szCurLine = GetBufLine(hbuf, nIdx);                nRet = strstr(szCurLine,"{")                if( nRet != 0xffffffff )                {                    break;                }                nIdx = nIdx + 1                if(nIdx > symbol.lnLim)                {                    break                }             }             InsBufLine(hbuf, nIdx + 1, "    VOS_UINT32 ulI = 0;");                 }    }    else if (szCmd == "switch" )    {        nSwitch = ask("Please input the number of case")        SetBufSelText(hbuf, " ( # )")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine1@" # "{")        InsertMultiCaseProc(hbuf,szLine1,nSwitch)    }    else if (szCmd == "do")    {        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine1@" # "{")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLine@" # "#");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 3, "@szLine1@" # "} while ( # );")    }    else if (szCmd == "case" )    {        SetBufSelText(hbuf, " # :")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine@" # "#")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLine@" # "break;")    }    else if (szCmd == "struct" || szCmd == "st")    {        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        szStructName = toupper(Ask("Please input struct name"))        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@typedef struct @szStructName@");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine1@{");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLine@             ");        szStructName = cat(szStructName,"_STRU")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 3, "@szLine1@}@szStructName@;");        SetBufIns (hbuf, ln + 2, strlen(szLine))        return    }    else if (szCmd == "enum" || szCmd == "en")    {        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        szStructName = toupper(Ask("Please input enum name"))        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@typedef enum @szStructName@");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine1@{");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLine@             ");        szStructName = cat(szStructName,"_ENUM")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 3, "@szLine1@}@szStructName@;");        SetBufIns (hbuf, ln + 2, strlen(szLine))        return    }    else if (szCmd == "file" || szCmd == "fi")    {        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        InsertFileHeaderEN( hbuf,0, szMyName,".C file function description" )        return    }    else if (szCmd == "func" || szCmd == "fu")    {        DelBufLine(hbuf,ln)        lnMax = GetBufLineCount(hbuf)        if(ln != lnMax)        {            szNextLine = GetBufLine(hbuf,ln)            if( (strstr(szNextLine,"(") != 0xffffffff) || (nVer != 2))            {                symbol = GetCurSymbol()                if(strlen(symbol) != 0)                {                      FuncHeadCommentEN(hbuf, ln, symbol, szMyName,0)                    return                }            }        }        szFuncName = Ask("Please input function name")        FuncHeadCommentEN(hbuf, ln, szFuncName, szMyName, 1)    }    else if (szCmd == "tab")    {        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        ReplaceBufTab()        return    }    else if (szCmd == "ap")    {           SysTime = GetSysTime(1)        sz=SysTime.Year        sz1=SysTime.month        sz3=SysTime.day        if (sz1 < 10)        {        	szMonth = "0@sz1@"       	}       	else       	{       		szMonth = sz1       	}       	if (sz3 < 10)        {        	szDay = "0@sz3@"       	}       	else       	{       		szDay = sz3       	}                DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        szQuestion = AddPromblemNo()        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* Promblem Number: @szQuestion@     Author:@szMyName@,   Date:@sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@ ");        szContent = Ask("Description")        szLeft = cat(szLine1,"   Description    : ");        if(strlen(szLeft) > 70)        {            Msg("The right margine is small, Please use a new line")            stop         }        ln = CommentContent(hbuf,ln + 1,szLeft,szContent,1)        return    }    else if (szCmd == "hd")    {        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        CreateFunctionDef(hbuf,szMyName,1)        return    }    else if (szCmd == "hdn")    {        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        /*���ɲ�Ҫ�ļ�������ͷ�ļ�*/        CreateNewHeaderFile()        return    }    else if (szCmd == "ab")    {        SysTime = GetSysTime(1)        sz=SysTime.Year        sz1=SysTime.month        sz3=SysTime.day        if (sz1 < 10)        {        	szMonth = "0@sz1@"       	}       	else       	{       		szMonth = sz1       	}       	if (sz3 < 10)        {        	szDay = "0@sz3@"       	}       	else       	{       		szDay = sz3       	}                DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        szQuestion = GetReg ("PNO")        if(strlen(szQuestion)>0)        {            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* add begin by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@*/");        }        else        {            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* add begin by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@*/");                }        return    }    else if (szCmd == "ae")    {        SysTime = GetSysTime(1)        sz=SysTime.Year        sz1=SysTime.month        sz3=SysTime.day        if (sz1 < 10)        {        	szMonth = "0@sz1@"       	}       	else       	{       		szMonth = sz1       	}       	if (sz3 < 10)        {        	szDay = "0@sz3@"       	}       	else       	{       		szDay = sz3       	}        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* add end by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@ */");        return    }    else if (szCmd == "db")    {        SysTime = GetSysTime(1)        sz=SysTime.Year        sz1=SysTime.month        sz3=SysTime.day        if (sz1 < 10)        {        	szMonth = "0@sz1@"       	}       	else       	{       		szMonth = sz1       	}       	if (sz3 < 10)        {        	szDay = "0@sz3@"       	}       	else       	{       		szDay = sz3       	}        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        szQuestion = GetReg ("PNO")            if(strlen(szQuestion) > 0)        {            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* delete begin by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@ */");        }        else        {            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* delete begin by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@  */");        }                return    }    else if (szCmd == "de")    {        SysTime = GetSysTime(1)        sz=SysTime.Year        sz1=SysTime.month        sz3=SysTime.day        if (sz1 < 10)        {        	szMonth = "0@sz1@"       	}       	else       	{       		szMonth = sz1       	}       	if (sz3 < 10)        {        	szDay = "0@sz3@"       	}       	else       	{       		szDay = sz3       	}        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln + 0)        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* delete end by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@ */");        return    }    else if (szCmd == "mb")    {        SysTime = GetSysTime(1)        sz=SysTime.Year        sz1=SysTime.month        sz3=SysTime.day        if (sz1 < 10)        {        	szMonth = "0@sz1@"       	}       	else       	{       		szMonth = sz1       	}       	if (sz3 < 10)        {        	szDay = "0@sz3@"       	}       	else       	{       		szDay = sz3       	}        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        szQuestion = GetReg ("PNO")        if(strlen(szQuestion) > 0)        {            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* modify begin by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@ */");        }        else        {            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* modify begin by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@ */");        }        return    }    else if (szCmd == "me")    {        SysTime = GetSysTime(1)        sz=SysTime.Year        sz1=SysTime.month        sz3=SysTime.day        if (sz1 < 10)        {        	szMonth = "0@sz1@"       	}       	else       	{       		szMonth = sz1       	}       	if (sz3 < 10)        {        	szDay = "0@sz3@"       	}       	else       	{       		szDay = sz3       	}        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* modify end by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@ */");        return    }    else if (szCmd == "as")    {    	SysTime = GetSysTime(1)        sz=SysTime.Year        sz1=SysTime.month        sz3=SysTime.day        if (sz1 < 10)        {        	szMonth = "0@sz1@"       	}       	else       	{       		szMonth = sz1       	}       	if (sz3 < 10)        {        	szDay = "0@sz3@"       	}       	else       	{       		szDay = sz3       	} 		szLine1 = strmid (GetBufLine(hbuf, ln), 0, GetBufLineLength (hbuf, ln)-2)        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)                szQuestion = GetReg ("PNO")        if(strlen(szQuestion)>0)        {         	InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* add by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@ */");        }        else        {            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* add by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@ */");                }        return    }    else if (szCmd == "cs")/*���һ������cs ��������ע��comment by xxx . �������������2014-5-4*/    {    	SysTime = GetSysTime(1)        sz=SysTime.Year        sz1=SysTime.month        sz3=SysTime.day        if (sz1 < 10)        {        	szMonth = "0@sz1@"       	}       	else       	{       		szMonth = sz1       	}       	if (sz3 < 10)        {        	szDay = "0@sz3@"       	}       	else       	{       		szDay = sz3       	} 		szLine1 = strmid (GetBufLine(hbuf, ln), 0, GetBufLineLength (hbuf, ln)-2)        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)                szQuestion = GetReg ("PNO")        if(strlen(szQuestion)>0)        {         	InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* comment by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@ */");        }        else        {            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* comment by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@ */");                }        return    }    else if (szCmd == "ds")    {    	SysTime = GetSysTime(1)        sz=SysTime.Year        sz1=SysTime.month        sz3=SysTime.day        if (sz1 < 10)        {        	szMonth = "0@sz1@"       	}       	else       	{       		szMonth = sz1       	}       	if (sz3 < 10)        {        	szDay = "0@sz3@"       	}       	else       	{       		szDay = sz3       	} 		szLine1 = strmid (GetBufLine(hbuf, ln), 0, GetBufLineLength (hbuf, ln)-2)        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        szQuestion = GetReg ("PNO")        if(strlen(szQuestion)>0)        {            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* delete by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@ */");        }        else        {            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* delete by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@ */");                }        return    }    else if (szCmd == "ms")    {    	SysTime = GetSysTime(1)        sz=SysTime.Year        sz1=SysTime.month        sz3=SysTime.day        if (sz1 < 10)        {        	szMonth = "0@sz1@"       	}       	else       	{       		szMonth = sz1       	}       	if (sz3 < 10)        {        	szDay = "0@sz3@"       	}       	else       	{       		szDay = sz3       	}       	 		szLine1 = strmid (GetBufLine(hbuf, ln), 0, GetBufLineLength (hbuf, ln)-2)        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        szQuestion = GetReg ("PNO")        if(strlen(szQuestion)>0)        {            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* modify by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@ */");        }        else        {            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* modify by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@ */");                }        return    }    else    {        SearchForward()//            ExpandBraceLarge()        stop    }    SetWndSel(hwnd, sel)    SearchForward()}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : ExpandProcCN ��������  : ����˵������չ���� �������  : szMyName               wordinfo               szLine                 szLine1                nVer                   ln                     sel        �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��19��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���  2.��    ��   : 2011��2��16��    ��    ��   : ���    �޸�����   : �޸����ⵥ��Ϊmantis�ţ��޸�ʱ���ʽΪxxxxxxxx���ꡢ�¡��գ���               �м�û�зָ�������ӵ���ע�ͣ��Զ���չ��Ϊ"an"  3.��    ��   : 2011��2��22��    ��    ��   : ���    �޸�����   : �޸ĵ���ע��ͷΪadd by��delete by��modify by���Զ���չ��ֱ�Ϊ"as"��"ds"��"ms"    			 �޸ĵ���ע��Ϊ��������е���?�ɾ�����������    			 ɾ��ԭ�Զ���չ��Ϊ"an"�ĵ���ע��      4.��    ��   : 2011��3��18��    ��    ��   : ���    �޸�����   : �޸��ļ���ע�Ͳ���������(�������������ļ�ͷע�ͺ������Զ���ʾ�û�����)*****************************************************************************/macro ExpandProcCN(szMyName,wordinfo,szLine,szLine1,nVer,ln,sel){    szCmd = wordinfo.szWord    hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()    if (hwnd == 0)        stop    hbuf = GetWndBuf(hwnd)    //����ע��    if (szCmd == "/*")    {           if(wordinfo.ichLim > 70)        {            Msg("�ұ߿ռ�̫С,�����µ���")            stop         }        szCurLine = GetBufLine(hbuf, sel.lnFirst);        szLeft = strmid(szCurLine,0,wordinfo.ichLim)        lineLen = strlen(szCurLine)        kk = 0        /*ע��ֻ������β������ע�͵����ô���*/        while(wordinfo.ichLim + kk < lineLen)        {            if(szCurLine[wordinfo.ichLim + kk] != " ")            {                msg("ֻ������β����");                return            }            kk = kk + 1        }        szContent = Ask("������ע�͵�����")        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        szLeft = cat( szLeft, " ")	//��/*���һ���ո��������ĸ�ʽ��/* Ҫע�͵����� */        CommentContent(hbuf,ln,szLeft,szContent,1)                    return    }    else if(szCmd == "{")    {        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine@")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLine1@" # "}");        SetBufIns (hbuf, ln + 1, strlen(szLine))        return    }    else if (szCmd == "while" || szCmd == "wh")    {        SetBufSelText(hbuf, " ( # )")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine1@" # "{");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLine@" # "#");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 3, "@szLine1@" # "}");    }    else if( szCmd == "else" || szCmd == "el")    {        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine1@" # "{");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLine@");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 3, "@szLine1@" # "}");        SetBufIns (hbuf, ln + 2, strlen(szLine))        return    }    else if (szCmd == "#ifd" || szCmd == "#ifdef") //#ifdef    {        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        InsIfdef()        return    }    else if (szCmd == "#ifn" || szCmd == "#ifndef") //#ifndef    {        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        InsIfndef()        return    }    else if (szCmd == "#if")    {        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        InsertPredefIf()        return    }    else if (szCmd == "cpp")    {        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        InsertCPP(hbuf,ln)        return    }        else if (szCmd == "if")    {        SetBufSelText(hbuf, " ( # )")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine1@" # "{");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLine@" # "#");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 3, "@szLine1@" # "}");/*            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 4, "@szLine1@" # "else");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 5, "@szLine1@" # "{");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 6, "@szLine@" # ";");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 7, "@szLine1@" # "}");*/    }    else if (szCmd == "ef")    {        PutBufLine(hbuf, ln, szLine1 # "else if ( # )")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine1@" # "{");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLine@" # "#");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 3, "@szLine1@" # "}");    }    else if (szCmd == "ife")    {        PutBufLine(hbuf, ln, szLine1 # "if ( # )")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine1@" # "{");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLine@" # "#");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 3, "@szLine1@" # "}");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 4, "@szLine1@" # "else");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 5, "@szLine1@" # "{");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 6, "@szLine@" # ";");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 7, "@szLine1@" # "}");    }    else if (szCmd == "ifs")    {        PutBufLine(hbuf, ln, szLine1 # "if ( # )")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine1@" # "{");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLine@" # "#");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 3, "@szLine1@" # "}");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 4, "@szLine1@" # "else if ( # )");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 5, "@szLine1@" # "{");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 6, "@szLine@" # ";");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 7, "@szLine1@" # "}");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 8, "@szLine1@" # "else");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 9, "@szLine1@" # "{");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 10, "@szLine@" # ";");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 11, "@szLine1@" # "}");    }    else if (szCmd == "for")    {        SetBufSelText(hbuf, " (#; #; #)")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine1@" # "{")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLine@" # "#")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 3, "@szLine1@" # "}")        SetWndSel(hwnd, sel)        SearchForward()        szVar = ask("������ѭ������")        newsel = sel        newsel.ichLim = GetBufLineLength (hbuf, ln)        SetWndSel(hwnd, newsel)        SetBufSelText(hbuf, " (@szVar@ = #; @szVar@ #; @szVar@++)")    }    else if (szCmd == "fo")    {        SetBufSelText(hbuf, "r (ulI = 0; ulI < #; ulI++)")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine1@" # "{")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLine@" # "#")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 3, "@szLine1@" # "}")        symname =GetCurSymbol ()        symbol = GetSymbolLocation(symname)        if(strlen(symbol) > 0)        {            nIdx = symbol.lnName + 1;            while( 1 )            {                szCurLine = GetBufLine(hbuf, nIdx);                nRet = strstr(szCurLine,"{")                if( nRet != 0xffffffff )                {                    break;                }                nIdx = nIdx + 1                if(nIdx > symbol.lnLim)                {                    break                }            }            InsBufLine(hbuf, nIdx + 1, "    VOS_UINT32 ulI = 0;");                }    }    else if (szCmd == "switch" || szCmd == "sw")    {        nSwitch = ask("������case�ĸ���")        SetBufSelText(hbuf, " ( # )")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine1@" # "{")        InsertMultiCaseProc(hbuf,szLine1,nSwitch)    }    else if (szCmd == "do")    {        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine1@" # "{")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLine@" # "#");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 3, "@szLine1@" # "} while ( # );")    }    else if (szCmd == "case" || szCmd == "ca" )    {        SetBufSelText(hbuf, " # :")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine@" # "#")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLine@" # "break;")    }    else if (szCmd == "struct" || szCmd == "st" )    {        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        szStructName = toupper(Ask("������ṹ��:"))        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@typedef struct @szStructName@");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine1@{");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLine@      ");        szStructName = cat(szStructName,"_STRU")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 3, "@szLine1@}@szStructName@;");        SetBufIns (hbuf, ln + 2, strlen(szLine))        return    }    else if (szCmd == "enum" || szCmd == "en")    {        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        //��ʾ����ö������ת��Ϊ��д        szStructName = toupper(Ask("������ö����:"))        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@typedef enum @szStructName@");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine1@{");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLine@       ");        szStructName = cat(szStructName,"_ENUM")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 3, "@szLine1@}@szStructName@;");        SetBufIns (hbuf, ln + 2, strlen(szLine))        return    }    else if (szCmd == "file" || szCmd == "fi" )    {        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        /*�����ļ�ͷ˵��*/        InsertFileHeaderCN( hbuf,0, szMyName,"" )        return    }    else if (szCmd == "hd")    {        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        /*����C���Ե�ͷ�ļ�*/        CreateFunctionDef(hbuf,szMyName,0)        return    }    else if (szCmd == "hdn")    {        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        /*���ɲ�Ҫ�ļ�������ͷ�ļ�*/        CreateNewHeaderFile()        return    }    else if (szCmd == "func" || szCmd == "fu")    {        DelBufLine(hbuf,ln)        lnMax = GetBufLineCount(hbuf)        //���һ�п϶����º���        if(ln != lnMax)        {            szNextLine = GetBufLine(hbuf,ln)            /*����2.1���si����ǷǷ�symbol�ͻ��ж�ִ�У��ʸ�Ϊ�Ժ�һ��              �Ƿ��С��������ж��Ƿ����º���*/            if( (strstr(szNextLine,"(") != 0xffffffff) || (nVer != 2))            {                /*���Ѿ����ڵĺ���*/                symbol = GetCurSymbol()                if(strlen(symbol) != 0)                {                      FuncHeadCommentCN(hbuf, ln, symbol, szMyName,0)                    return                }            }        }        szFuncName = Ask("�����뺯������:")        /*���º���*/        FuncHeadCommentCN(hbuf, ln, szFuncName, szMyName, 1)    }    else if (szCmd == "tab") /*��tab��չΪ�ո�*/    {        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        ReplaceBufTab()    }    else if (szCmd == "ap")    {           SysTime = GetSysTime(1)        sz=SysTime.Year        sz1=SysTime.month        sz3=SysTime.day        if (sz1 < 10)        {        	szMonth = "0@sz1@"       	}       	else       	{       		szMonth = sz1       	}       	if (sz3 < 10)        {        	szDay = "0@sz3@"       	}       	else       	{       		szDay = sz3       	}	                DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        szQuestion = AddPromblemNo()        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* �� �� ��: @szQuestion@     �޸���:@szMyName@,   ʱ��:@sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@ ");        szContent = Ask("�޸�ԭ��")        szLeft = cat(szLine1,"   �޸�ԭ��: ");        if(strlen(szLeft) > 70)        {            Msg("�ұ߿ռ�̫С,�����µ���")            stop         }        ln = CommentContent(hbuf,ln + 1,szLeft,szContent,1)        return    }    else if (szCmd == "ab")    {        SysTime = GetSysTime(1)        sz=SysTime.Year        sz1=SysTime.month        sz3=SysTime.day        if (sz1 < 10)        {        	szMonth = "0@sz1@"       	}       	else       	{       		szMonth = sz1       	}       	if (sz3 < 10)        {        	szDay = "0@sz3@"       	}       	else       	{       		szDay = sz3       	}                DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        szQuestion = GetReg ("PNO")        if(strlen(szQuestion)>0)        {            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* add begin by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@, Mantis��:@szQuestion@ ԭ��: */");        }        else        {            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* add begin by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@, ԭ��: */");                }        return    }    else if (szCmd == "ae")    {        SysTime = GetSysTime(1)        sz=SysTime.Year        sz1=SysTime.month        sz3=SysTime.day        if (sz1 < 10)        {        	szMonth = "0@sz1@"       	}       	else       	{       		szMonth = sz1       	}       	if (sz3 < 10)        {        	szDay = "0@sz3@"       	}       	else       	{       		szDay = sz3       	}        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* add end by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@ */");        return    }    else if (szCmd == "db")    {        SysTime = GetSysTime(1)        sz=SysTime.Year        sz1=SysTime.month        sz3=SysTime.day        if (sz1 < 10)        {        	szMonth = "0@sz1@"       	}       	else       	{       		szMonth = sz1       	}       	if (sz3 < 10)        {        	szDay = "0@sz3@"       	}       	else       	{       		szDay = sz3       	}        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        szQuestion = GetReg ("PNO")        if(strlen(szQuestion) > 0)        {            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* delete begin by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@, Mantis��:@szQuestion@ ԭ��: */");        }        else        {            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* delete begin by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@, ԭ��: */");        }                return    }    else if (szCmd == "de")    {        SysTime = GetSysTime(1)        sz=SysTime.Year        sz1=SysTime.month        sz3=SysTime.day        if (sz1 < 10)        {        	szMonth = "0@sz1@"       	}       	else       	{       		szMonth = sz1       	}       	if (sz3 < 10)        {        	szDay = "0@sz3@"       	}       	else       	{       		szDay = sz3       	}        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln + 0)        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* delete end by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@ */");        return    }    else if (szCmd == "mb")    {        SysTime = GetSysTime(1)        sz=SysTime.Year        sz1=SysTime.month        sz3=SysTime.day        if (sz1 < 10)        {        	szMonth = "0@sz1@"       	}       	else       	{       		szMonth = sz1       	}       	if (sz3 < 10)        {        	szDay = "0@sz3@"       	}       	else       	{       		szDay = sz3       	}        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        szQuestion = GetReg ("PNO")        if(strlen(szQuestion) > 0)        {            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* modify begin by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@, Mantis��:@szQuestion@ ԭ��: */");        }        else        {            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* modify begin by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@, ԭ��: */");        }        return    }    else if (szCmd == "me")    {        SysTime = GetSysTime(1)        sz=SysTime.Year        sz1=SysTime.month        sz3=SysTime.day        if (sz1 < 10)        {        	szMonth = "0@sz1@"       	}       	else       	{       		szMonth = sz1       	}       	if (sz3 < 10)        {        	szDay = "0@sz3@"       	}       	else       	{       		szDay = sz3       	}        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* modify end by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@ */");        return    }    else if (szCmd == "as")    {    	SysTime = GetSysTime(1)        sz=SysTime.Year        sz1=SysTime.month        sz3=SysTime.day        if (sz1 < 10)        {        	szMonth = "0@sz1@"       	}       	else       	{       		szMonth = sz1       	}       	if (sz3 < 10)        {        	szDay = "0@sz3@"       	}       	else       	{       		szDay = sz3       	} 		szLine1 = strmid (GetBufLine(hbuf, ln), 0, GetBufLineLength (hbuf, ln)-2)        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)                szQuestion = GetReg ("PNO")        if(strlen(szQuestion)>0)        {         	InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* add by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@, Mantis��:@szQuestion@, ԭ��: */");        }        else        {            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* add by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@, ԭ��: */");                }        return    }    else if (szCmd == "ds")    {    	SysTime = GetSysTime(1)        sz=SysTime.Year        sz1=SysTime.month        sz3=SysTime.day        if (sz1 < 10)        {        	szMonth = "0@sz1@"       	}       	else       	{       		szMonth = sz1       	}       	if (sz3 < 10)        {        	szDay = "0@sz3@"       	}       	else       	{       		szDay = sz3       	} 		szLine1 = strmid (GetBufLine(hbuf, ln), 0, GetBufLineLength (hbuf, ln)-2)        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        szQuestion = GetReg ("PNO")        if(strlen(szQuestion)>0)        {            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* delete by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@, Mantis��:@szQuestion@, ԭ��: */");        }        else        {            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* delete by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@, ԭ��: */");                }        return    }    else if (szCmd == "ms")    {    	SysTime = GetSysTime(1)        sz=SysTime.Year        sz1=SysTime.month        sz3=SysTime.day        if (sz1 < 10)        {        	szMonth = "0@sz1@"       	}       	else       	{       		szMonth = sz1       	}       	if (sz3 < 10)        {        	szDay = "0@sz3@"       	}       	else       	{       		szDay = sz3       	}       	 		szLine1 = strmid (GetBufLine(hbuf, ln), 0, GetBufLineLength (hbuf, ln)-2)        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        szQuestion = GetReg ("PNO")        if(strlen(szQuestion)>0)        {            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* modify by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@, Mantis��:@szQuestion@, ԭ��: */");        }        else        {            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* modify by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@, ԭ��: */");                }        return    }    else    {        SearchForward()        stop    }    SetWndSel(hwnd, sel)    SearchForward()}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : BlockCommandProc ��������  : ���������� �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��18��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro BlockCommandProc(){    hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()    if (hwnd == 0)        stop    sel = GetWndSel(hwnd)    hbuf = GetWndBuf(hwnd)    if(sel.lnFirst > 0)    {        ln = sel.lnFirst - 1    }    else    {        stop    }    szLine = GetBufLine(hbuf,ln)    szLine = TrimString(szLine)    if(szLine == "while" || szLine == "wh")    {        InsertWhile()   /*����while*/    }    else if(szLine == "do")    {        InsertDo()   //����do while���    }    else if(szLine == "for")    {        InsertFor()  //����for���    }    else if(szLine == "if")    {        InsertIf()   //����if���    }    else if(szLine == "el" || szLine == "else")    {        InsertElse()  //����else���        DelBufLine(hbuf,ln)        stop    }    else if((szLine == "#ifd") || (szLine == "#ifdef"))    {        InsIfdef()        //����#ifdef        DelBufLine(hbuf,ln)        stop    }    else if((szLine == "#ifn") || (szLine == "#ifndef"))    {        InsIfndef()        //����#ifdef        DelBufLine(hbuf,ln)        stop    }        else if (szLine == "abg")    {        InsertReviseAdd()        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        stop    }    else if (szLine == "dbg")    {        InsertReviseDel()        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        stop    }    else if (szLine == "mbg")    {        InsertReviseMod()        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        stop    }    else if(szLine == "#if")    {        InsertPredefIf()        DelBufLine(hbuf,ln)        stop    }    DelBufLine(hbuf,ln)    SearchForward()    stop}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : RestoreCommand ��������  : ��������ָ����� �������  : hbuf                szCmd   �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��18��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro RestoreCommand(hbuf,szCmd){    if(szCmd == "ca")    {        SetBufSelText(hbuf, "se")        szCmd = "case"    }    else if(szCmd == "sw")     {        SetBufSelText(hbuf, "itch")        szCmd = "switch"    }    else if(szCmd == "el")    {        SetBufSelText(hbuf, "se")        szCmd = "else"    }    else if(szCmd == "wh")    {        SetBufSelText(hbuf, "ile")        szCmd = "while"    }    return szCmd}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : SearchForward ��������  : ��ǰ����# �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��18��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro SearchForward(){    LoadSearchPattern("#", 1, 0, 1);    Search_Forward}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : SearchBackward ��������  : �������# �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��18��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro SearchBackward(){    LoadSearchPattern("#", 1, 0, 1);    Search_Backward}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : InsertFuncName ��������  : �ڵ�ǰλ�ò��뵫ǰ������ �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��18��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro InsertFuncName(){    hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()    if (hwnd == 0)        stop    sel = GetWndSel(hwnd)    hbuf = GetWndBuf(hwnd)    symbolname = GetCurSymbol()    SetBufSelText (hbuf, symbolname)}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : strstr ��������  : �ַ���ƥ���ѯ���� �������  : str1  Դ��             str2  ��ƥ���Ӵ� �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  : 0xffffffffΪû���ҵ�ƥ���ַ�����V2.1��֧��-1�ʲ��ø�ֵ             ����Ϊƥ���ַ�������ʼλ�� ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��18��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro strstr(str1,str2){    i = 0    j = 0    len1 = strlen(str1)    len2 = strlen(str2)    if((len1 == 0) || (len2 == 0))    {        return 0xffffffff    }    while( i < len1)    {        if(str1[i] == str2[j])        {            while(j < len2)            {                j = j + 1                if(str1[i+j] != str2[j])                 {                    break                }            }                 if(j == len2)            {                return i            }            j = 0        }        i = i + 1          }      return 0xffffffff}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : InsertTraceInfo ��������  : �ں�������ںͳ��ڲ����ӡ,��֧��һ���ж���������� �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��18��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro InsertTraceInfo(){    hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()    if (hwnd == 0)        stop    hbuf = GetWndBuf(hwnd)    sel = GetWndSel(hwnd)    symbol = GetSymbolLocationFromLn(hbuf, sel.lnFirst)    InsertTraceInCurFunction(hbuf,symbol)}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : InsertTraceInCurFunction ��������  : �ں�������ںͳ��ڲ����ӡ,��֧��һ���ж���������� �������  : hbuf             symbol �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��18��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro InsertTraceInCurFunction(hbuf,symbol){    ln = GetBufLnCur (hbuf)    symbolname = symbol.Symbol    nLineEnd = symbol.lnLim    nExitCount = 1;    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "    VOS_Debug_Trace(\"\\r\\n |@symbolname@() entry--- \");")    ln = ln + 1    fIsEnd = 1    fIsNeedPrt = 1    fIsSatementEnd = 1    szLeftOld = ""    while(ln < nLineEnd)    {        szLine = GetBufLine(hbuf, ln)        iCurLineLen = strlen(szLine)                /*�޳����е�ע�����*/        RetVal = SkipCommentFromString(szLine,fIsEnd)        szLine = RetVal.szContent        fIsEnd = RetVal.fIsEnd        //�����Ƿ���return���/*        ret =strstr(szLine,"return")        if(ret != 0xffffffff)        {            if( (szLine[ret+6] == " " ) || (szLine[ret+6] == "\t" )                || (szLine[ret+6] == ";" ) || (szLine[ret+6] == "(" ))            {                szPre = strmid(szLine,0,ret)            }            SetBufIns(hbuf,ln,ret)            Paren_Right            sel = GetWndSel(hwnd)            if( sel.lnLast != ln )            {                GetbufLine(hbuf,sel.lnLast)                RetVal = SkipCommentFromString(szLine,1)                szLine = RetVal.szContent                fIsEnd = RetVal.fIsEnd            }        }*/        //�����߿հ״�С        nLeft = GetLeftBlank(szLine)        if(nLeft == 0)        {            szLeft = "    "        }        else        {            szLeft = strmid(szLine,0,nLeft)        }        szLine = TrimString(szLine)        iLen = strlen(szLine)        if(iLen == 0)        {            ln = ln + 1            continue        }        szRet = GetFirstWord(szLine)//        if( (szRet == "if") || (szRet == "else")        //�����Ƿ���return���//        ret =strstr(szLine,"return")                if( szRet == "return")        {            if( fIsSatementEnd == 0)            {                fIsNeedPrt = 1                InsBufLine(hbuf,ln+1,"@szLeftOld@}")                szEnd = cat(szLeft,"VOS_Debug_Trace(\"\\r\\n |@symbolname@() exit---: @nExitCount@ \");")                InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, szEnd )                InsBufLine(hbuf,ln,"@szLeftOld@{")                nExitCount = nExitCount + 1                nLineEnd = nLineEnd + 3                ln = ln + 3            }            else            {                fIsNeedPrt = 0                szEnd = cat(szLeft,"VOS_Debug_Trace(\"\\r\\n |@symbolname@() exit---: @nExitCount@ \");")                InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, szEnd )                nExitCount = nExitCount + 1                nLineEnd = nLineEnd + 1                ln = ln + 1            }        }        else        {	        ret =strstr(szLine,"}")	        if( ret != 0xffffffff )	        {	            fIsNeedPrt = 1	        }        }                szLeftOld = szLeft        ch = szLine[iLen-1]         if( ( ch  == ";" ) || ( ch  == "{" )              || ( ch  == ":" )|| ( ch  == "}" ) || ( szLine[0] == "#" ))        {            fIsSatementEnd = 1        }        else        {            fIsSatementEnd = 0        }        ln = ln + 1    }        //ֻҪǰ���return����һ��}��˵�������Ľ�βû�з��أ���Ҫ�ټ�һ�����ڴ�ӡ    if(fIsNeedPrt == 1)    {        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln,  "    VOS_Debug_Trace(\"\\r\\n |@symbolname@() exit---: @nExitCount@ \");")                InsBufLine(hbuf, ln,  "")            }}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : GetFirstWord ��������  : ȡ���ַ����ĵ�һ������ �������  : szLine �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��18��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro GetFirstWord(szLine){    szLine = TrimLeft(szLine)    nIdx = 0    iLen = strlen(szLine)    while(nIdx < iLen)    {        if( (szLine[nIdx] == " ") || (szLine[nIdx] == "\t")           || (szLine[nIdx] == ";") || (szLine[nIdx] == "(")          || (szLine[nIdx] == ".") || (szLine[nIdx] == "{")          || (szLine[nIdx] == ",") || (szLine[nIdx] == ":") )        {            return strmid(szLine,0,nIdx)        }        nIdx = nIdx + 1    }    return ""    }/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : AutoInsertTraceInfoInBuf ��������  : �Զ���ǰ�ļ���ȫ����������ڼ����ӡ��ֻ��֧��C++ �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��24��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro AutoInsertTraceInfoInBuf(){    hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()    if (hwnd == 0)        stop    sel = GetWndSel(hwnd)    hbuf = GetWndBuf(hwnd)    isymMax = GetBufSymCount(hbuf)    isym = 0    while (isym < isymMax)     {        symbol = GetBufSymLocation(hbuf, isym)        isCodeBegin = 0        fIsEnd = 1        isBlandLine = 0        if(strlen(symbol) > 0)        {            if(symbol.Type == "Class Placeholder")	        {		        hsyml = SymbolChildren(symbol)				cchild = SymListCount(hsyml)				ichild = 0		    	while (ichild < cchild)				{                    symbol = GetBufSymLocation(hbuf, isym)    		        hsyml = SymbolChildren(symbol)					childsym = SymListItem(hsyml, ichild)                    ln = childsym.lnName                     isCodeBegin = 0                    fIsEnd = 1                    isBlandLine = 0                    while( ln < childsym.lnLim )                    {                           szLine = GetBufLine (hbuf, ln)                                                //ȥ��ע�͵ĸ���                        RetVal = SkipCommentFromString(szLine,fIsEnd)        		        szNew = RetVal.szContent        		        fIsEnd = RetVal.fIsEnd                        if(isCodeBegin == 1)                        {                            szNew = TrimLeft(szNew)                            //����Ƿ��ǿ�ִ�д��뿪ʼ                            iRet = CheckIsCodeBegin(szNew)                            if(iRet == 1)                            {                                if( isBlandLine != 0 )                                {                                    ln = isBlandLine                                }                                InsBufLine(hbuf,ln,"")                                childsym.lnLim = childsym.lnLim + 1                                SetBufIns(hbuf, ln+1 , 0)                                InsertTraceInCurFunction(hbuf,childsym)                                break                            }                            if(strlen(szNew) == 0)                             {                                if( isBlandLine == 0 )                                 {                                    isBlandLine = ln;                                }                            }                            else                            {                                isBlandLine = 0                            }                        }        		        //���ҵ������Ŀ�ʼ        		        if(isCodeBegin == 0)        		        {            		        iRet = strstr(szNew,"{")                            if(iRet != 0xffffffff)                            {                                isCodeBegin = 1                            }                        }                        ln = ln + 1                    }                    ichild = ichild + 1				}		        SymListFree(hsyml)	        }            else if( ( symbol.Type == "Function") ||  (symbol.Type == "Method") )            {                ln = symbol.lnName                     while( ln < symbol.lnLim )                {                       szLine = GetBufLine (hbuf, ln)                                        //ȥ��ע�͵ĸ���                    RetVal = SkipCommentFromString(szLine,fIsEnd)    		        szNew = RetVal.szContent    		        fIsEnd = RetVal.fIsEnd                    if(isCodeBegin == 1)                    {                        szNew = TrimLeft(szNew)                        //����Ƿ��ǿ�ִ�д��뿪ʼ                        iRet = CheckIsCodeBegin(szNew)                        if(iRet == 1)                        {                            if( isBlandLine != 0 )                            {                                ln = isBlandLine                            }                            SetBufIns(hbuf, ln , 0)                            InsertTraceInCurFunction(hbuf,symbol)                            InsBufLine(hbuf,ln,"")                            break                        }                        if(strlen(szNew) == 0)                         {                            if( isBlandLine == 0 )                             {                                isBlandLine = ln;                            }                        }                        else                        {                            isBlandLine = 0                        }                    }    		        //���ҵ������Ŀ�ʼ    		        if(isCodeBegin == 0)    		        {        		        iRet = strstr(szNew,"{")                        if(iRet != 0xffffffff)                        {                            isCodeBegin = 1                        }                    }                    ln = ln + 1                }            }        }        isym = isym + 1    }    }/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : CheckIsCodeBegin ��������  : �Ƿ�Ϊ�����ĵ�һ����ִ�д��� �������  : szLine ���û�пո��ע�͵��ַ��� �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��24��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro CheckIsCodeBegin(szLine){    iLen = strlen(szLine)    if(iLen == 0)    {        return 0    }    nIdx = 0    nWord = 0    if( (szLine[nIdx] == "(") || (szLine[nIdx] == "-")            || (szLine[nIdx] == "*") || (szLine[nIdx] == "+"))    {        return 1    }    if( szLine[nIdx] == "#" )    {        return 0    }    while(nIdx < iLen)    {        if( (szLine[nIdx] == " ")||(szLine[nIdx] == "\t")              || (szLine[nIdx] == "(")||(szLine[nIdx] == "{")             || (szLine[nIdx] == ";") )        {            if(nWord == 0)            {                if( (szLine[nIdx] == "(")||(szLine[nIdx] == "{")                         || (szLine[nIdx] == ";")  )                {                    return 1                }                szFirstWord = StrMid(szLine,0,nIdx)                if(szFirstWord == "return")                {                    return 1                }            }            while(nIdx < iLen)            {                if( (szLine[nIdx] == " ")||(szLine[nIdx] == "\t") )                {                    nIdx = nIdx + 1                }                else                {                    break                }            }            nWord = nWord + 1            if(nIdx == iLen)            {                return 1            }        }        if(nWord == 1)        {            asciiA = AsciiFromChar("A")            asciiZ = AsciiFromChar("Z")            ch = toupper(szLine[nIdx])            asciiCh = AsciiFromChar(ch)            if( ( szLine[nIdx] == "_" ) || ( szLine[nIdx] == "*" )                 || ( ( asciiCh >= asciiA ) && ( asciiCh <= asciiZ ) ) )            {                return 0            }            else            {                return 1            }        }        nIdx = nIdx + 1    }    return 1}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : AutoInsertTraceInfoInPrj ��������  : �Զ���ǰ����ȫ���ļ���ȫ����������ڼ����ӡ��ֻ��֧��C++ �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��24��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro AutoInsertTraceInfoInPrj(){    hprj = GetCurrentProj()    ifileMax = GetProjFileCount (hprj)    ifile = 0    while (ifile < ifileMax)    {        filename = GetProjFileName (hprj, ifile)        szExt = toupper(GetFileNameExt(filename))        if( (szExt == "C") || (szExt == "CPP") )        {            hbuf = OpenBuf (filename)            if(hbuf != 0)            {                SetCurrentBuf(hbuf)                AutoInsertTraceInfoInBuf()            }        }        //�Զ�������ļ����ɸ�����Ҫ��/*        if( IsBufDirty (hbuf) )        {            SaveBuf (hbuf)        }        CloseBuf(hbuf)*/        ifile = ifile + 1    }}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : RemoveTraceInfo ��������  : ɾ���ú����ij���ڴ�ӡ �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��24��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro RemoveTraceInfo(){    hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()    if (hwnd == 0)        stop    sel = GetWndSel(hwnd)    hbuf = GetWndBuf(hwnd)    if(hbuf == hNil)       stop    symbolname = GetCurSymbol()    symbol = GetSymbolLocationFromLn(hbuf, sel.lnFirst)//    symbol = GetSymbolLocation (symbolname)    nLineEnd = symbol.lnLim    szEntry = "VOS_Debug_Trace(\"\\r\\n |@symbolname@() entry--- \");"    szExit = "VOS_Debug_Trace(\"\\r\\n |@symbolname@() exit---:"     ln = symbol.lnName    fIsEntry = 0    while(ln < nLineEnd)    {        szLine = GetBufLine(hbuf, ln)                /*�޳����е�ע�����*/        RetVal = TrimString(szLine)        if(fIsEntry == 0)        {            ret = strstr(szLine,szEntry)            if(ret != 0xffffffff)            {                DelBufLine(hbuf,ln)                nLineEnd = nLineEnd - 1                fIsEntry = 1                ln = ln + 1                continue            }        }        ret = strstr(szLine,szExit)        if(ret != 0xffffffff)        {            DelBufLine(hbuf,ln)            nLineEnd = nLineEnd - 1        }        ln = ln + 1    }}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : RemoveCurBufTraceInfo ��������  : �ӵ�ǰ��buf��ɾ����ӵij���ڴ�ӡ��Ϣ �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��24��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro RemoveCurBufTraceInfo(){    hbuf = GetCurrentBuf()    isymMax = GetBufSymCount(hbuf)    isym = 0    while (isym < isymMax)     {        isLastLine = 0        symbol = GetBufSymLocation(hbuf, isym)        fIsEnd = 1        if(strlen(symbol) > 0)        {            if(symbol.Type == "Class Placeholder")	        {		        hsyml = SymbolChildren(symbol)				cchild = SymListCount(hsyml)				ichild = 0		    	while (ichild < cchild)				{    		        hsyml = SymbolChildren(symbol)					childsym = SymListItem(hsyml, ichild)                    SetBufIns(hbuf,childsym.lnName,0)                    RemoveTraceInfo()					ichild = ichild + 1				}		        SymListFree(hsyml)	        }            else if( ( symbol.Type == "Function") ||  (symbol.Type == "Method") )            {                SetBufIns(hbuf,symbol.lnName,0)                RemoveTraceInfo()            }        }        isym = isym + 1    }}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : RemovePrjTraceInfo ��������  : ɾ�������е�ȫ������ĺ����ij���ڴ�ӡ �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��24��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro RemovePrjTraceInfo(){    hprj = GetCurrentProj()    ifileMax = GetProjFileCount (hprj)    ifile = 0    while (ifile < ifileMax)    {        filename = GetProjFileName (hprj, ifile)        hbuf = OpenBuf (filename)        if(hbuf != 0)        {            SetCurrentBuf(hbuf)            RemoveCurBufTraceInfo()        }        //�Զ�������ļ����ɸ�����Ҫ��/*        if( IsBufDirty (hbuf) )        {            SaveBuf (hbuf)        }        CloseBuf(hbuf)*/        ifile = ifile + 1    }}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : InsertFileHeaderEN ��������  : ����Ӣ���ļ�ͷ���� �������  : hbuf                    ln         �к�             szName     ������             szContent  ������������ �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��18��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���  2.��    ��   : 2011��2��22��    ��    ��   : ���    �޸�����   : �޸��ļ�ͷ������Ϊ����*****************************************************************************/macro InsertFileHeaderEN(hbuf, ln,szName,szContent){        hnewbuf = newbuf("")    if(hnewbuf == hNil)    {        stop    }    SysTime = GetSysTime(1)    szYear=SysTime.Year    GetFunctionList(hbuf,hnewbuf)    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 0,  "/********************************************************************************")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1,  "")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2,  " **** Copyright (C), @szYear@, xx xx xx xx info&tech Co., Ltd.                ****")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 3,  "")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 4,  " ********************************************************************************")    sz = GetFileName(GetBufName (hbuf))    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 5,  " * File Name     : @sz@")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 6,  " * Author        : @szName@")    SysTime = GetSysTime(1)    sz=SysTime.Year    sz1=SysTime.month    sz3=SysTime.day    if (sz1 < 10)        {        	szMonth = "0@sz1@"       	}       	else       	{       		szMonth = sz1       	}       	if (sz3 < 10)        {        	szDay = "0@sz3@"       	}       	else       	{       		szDay = sz3       	}    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 7,  " * Date          : @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@")      /*InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 8,  "  Created       : @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 9,  "  Last Modified :")*/    szTmp = " * Description   : "    nlnDesc = ln    iLen = strlen (szContent)    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 8, " * Description   : @szContent@")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 9, " * Version       : 1.0")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 10," * Function List :")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 11," * ")    //���뺯���б�    /*ln = InsertFileList(hbuf,hnewbuf,ln + 12) - 12    closebuf(hnewbuf)    */    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 12, " * Record        :")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 13, " * 1.Date        : @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 14, " *   Author      : @szName@")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 15, " *   Modification: Created file")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 16, "")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 17, "*************************************************************************************************************/")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 18, "")      //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 19, "/*----------------------------------------------*")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 20, " * external variables                           *")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 21, " *----------------------------------------------*/")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 22, "")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 23, "/*----------------------------------------------*")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 24, " * external routine prototypes                  *")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 25, " *----------------------------------------------*/")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 26, "")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 27, "/*----------------------------------------------*")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 28, " * internal routine prototypes                  *")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 29, " *----------------------------------------------*/")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 30, "")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 31, "/*----------------------------------------------*")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 32, " * project-wide global variables                *")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 33, " *----------------------------------------------*/")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 34, "")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 35, "/*----------------------------------------------*")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 36, " * module-wide global variables                 *")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 37, " *----------------------------------------------*/")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 38, "")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 39, "/*----------------------------------------------*")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 40, " * constants                                    *")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 41, " *----------------------------------------------*/")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 42, "")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 43, "/*----------------------------------------------*")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 44, " * macros                                       *")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 45, " *----------------------------------------------*/")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 46, "")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 47, "/*----------------------------------------------*")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 48, " * routines' implementations                    *")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 49, " *----------------------------------------------*/")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 50, "")    if(iLen != 0)    {        return    }        //���û�й���������������ʾ����    szContent = Ask("Description")    SetBufIns(hbuf,nlnDesc + 14,0)    DelBufLine(hbuf,nlnDesc +10)        //ע���������,�Զ�����    CommentContent(hbuf,nlnDesc + 10,"  Description   : ",szContent,0)}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : InsertFileHeaderCN ��������  : �������������ļ�ͷ˵�� �������  : hbuf                    ln                      szName                  szContent   �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��18��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���  2.��    ��   : 2011��2��22��    ��    ��   : ���    �޸�����   : �޸��ļ�ͷ������Ϊ����*****************************************************************************/macro InsertFileHeaderCN(hbuf, ln,szName,szContent){    hnewbuf = newbuf("")    if(hnewbuf == hNil)    {        stop    }    SysTime = GetSysTime(1)    szYear=SysTime.Year    szMonth=SysTime.month    szDay=SysTime.day    GetFunctionList(hbuf,hnewbuf)    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 0,  "/***********************************************************************************")    sz = GetFileName(GetBufName (hbuf))    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1,  " * �� �� ��   : @sz@")    /*InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 6,  "  �� �� ��   : ����")*/    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2,  " * �� �� ��   : @szName@")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 3,  " * ��������   : @szYear@��@szMonth@��@szDay@��")	/*InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 9,  "  ����޸�	:")*/    iLen = strlen (szContent)    nlnDesc = ln    szTmp = " * �ļ�����   : "    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 4, " * �ļ�����   : @szContent@")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 5, " * ��Ȩ˵��   : Copyright (c) 2008-@szYear@   xx xx xx xx �������޹�˾")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 6, " * ��    ��   : ")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 7, " * �޸���־   : ")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 8, "***********************************************************************************/")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 9, "")//    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 9, " * �� �� ��   : 1.0")//    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 10," * �����б�   :")//    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 11," * ")//    //���뺯���б�//    /*ln = InsertFileList(hbuf,hnewbuf,ln + 12) - 12//    closebuf(hnewbuf)//    *///    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 12, " * ��ʷ��¼   :")//    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 13, " * 1.��    �� : @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@")////    if( strlen(szMyName)>0 )//    {//       InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 14, " *   ��    �� : @szName@")//    }//    else//    {//       InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 14, " *   ��    �� : #")//    }//    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 15, " *   �޸����� : �����ļ�")    //    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 16, "")//    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 17, "***********************************************************************************/")//    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 18, "")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 19, "/*----------------------------------------------*")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 20, " * �ⲿ����˵��                                 *")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 21, " *----------------------------------------------*/")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 22, "")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 23, "/*----------------------------------------------*")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 24, " * �ⲿ����ԭ��˵��                             *")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 25, " *----------------------------------------------*/")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 26, "")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 27, "/*----------------------------------------------*")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 28, " * �ڲ�����ԭ��˵��                             *")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 29, " *----------------------------------------------*/")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 30, "")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 31, "/*----------------------------------------------*")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 32, " * ȫ�ֱ���                                     *")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 33, " *----------------------------------------------*/")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 34, "")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 35, "/*----------------------------------------------*")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 36, " * ģ�鼶����                                   *")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 37, " *----------------------------------------------*/")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 38, "")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 39, "/*----------------------------------------------*")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 40, " * ��������                                     *")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 41, " *----------------------------------------------*/")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 42, "")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 43, "/*----------------------------------------------*")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 44, " * �궨��                                       *")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 45, " *----------------------------------------------*/")    //InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 46, "")    if(strlen(szContent) != 0)    {        return    }        //���û�����빦�������Ļ���ʾ����    szContent = Ask("�������ļ���������������")    //���ù��λ��Ϊע�͵����һ��    SetBufIns(hbuf,nlnDesc + 9,0)        //��ԭ"�ļ�����"��ɾ��    DelBufLine(hbuf,nlnDesc +4)        //�Զ�������ʾ��������    CommentContent(hbuf,nlnDesc+4," * �ļ�����   : ",szContent,0)}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : GetFunctionList ��������  : ��ú����б� �������  : hbuf               hnewbuf     �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��18��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro GetFunctionList(hbuf,hnewbuf){    isymMax = GetBufSymCount (hbuf)    isym = 0    //����ȡ��ȫ���ĵ�ǰbuf���ű��е�ȫ������    while (isym < isymMax)     {        symbol = GetBufSymLocation(hbuf, isym)        if(symbol.Type == "Class Placeholder")        {	        hsyml = SymbolChildren(symbol)			cchild = SymListCount(hsyml)			ichild = 0	    	while (ichild < cchild)			{				childsym = SymListItem(hsyml, ichild)                AppendBufLine(hnewbuf,childsym.symbol)				ichild = ichild + 1			}	        SymListFree(hsyml)        }        if(strlen(symbol) > 0)        {            if( (symbol.Type == "Method") ||                 (symbol.Type == "Function") || ("Editor Macro" == symbol.Type) )            {                //ȡ�������Ǻ����ͺ�ķ���                symname = symbol.Symbol                //�����Ų��뵽��buf����������Ϊ�˼���V2.1                AppendBufLine(hnewbuf,symname)               }           }        isym = isym + 1    }}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : InsertFileList ��������  : �����б���� �������  : hbuf               ln     �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��18��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro InsertFileList(hbuf,hnewbuf,ln){    if(hnewbuf == hNil)    {        return ln    }    isymMax = GetBufLineCount (hnewbuf)    isym = 0    while (isym < isymMax)     {        szLine = GetBufLine(hnewbuf, isym)        InsBufLine(hbuf,ln,"              @szLine@")        ln = ln + 1        isym = isym + 1    }    return ln }/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : CommentContent1 ��������  : �Զ�������ʾ�ı�,��Ϊmsg�Ի����ܴ�����е���������Ҳ��ܳ���255             ���ַ�����Ϊ���У������˴Ӽ�����ȡ���ݵİ취���������������Ǽ�             ���������ݵ�ǰ���ֵĻ�����Ϊ�û��ǿ��������ݣ���������Ȼ�п�����             �?����ָ��ʷdz��͡���CommentContent��ͬ���������������е�����             �ϲ���һ������������Ը�����Ҫѡ�������ַ�ʽ �������  : hbuf                    ln         �к�             szPreStr   ������Ҫ������ַ���             szContent  ��Ҫ������ַ�������             isEnd      �Ƿ���Ҫ��ĩβ����'*'��'/' �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��18��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro CommentContent1 (hbuf,ln,szPreStr,szContent,isEnd){    //���������еĶ���ı��ϲ�    szClip = MergeString()    //ȥ�����Ŀո�    szTmp = TrimString(szContent)    //������봰���е������Ǽ������е�����˵���Ǽ���������    ret = strstr(szClip,szTmp)    if(ret == 0)    {        szContent = szClip    }    szLeftBlank = szPreStr    iLen = strlen(szPreStr)    k = 0    while(k < iLen)    {        szLeftBlank[k] = " ";        k = k + 1;    }    iLen = strlen (szContent)    szTmp = cat(szPreStr,"#");    if( iLen == 0)    {        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szTmp@")    }    else    {        i = 0        while  (iLen - i > 75 - k )        {            j = 0            while(j < 75 - k)            {                iNum = szContent[i + j]                //��������ı���ɶԴ���                if( AsciiFromChar (iNum)  > 160 )                {                   j = j + 2                }                else                {                   j = j + 1                }                if( (j > 70 - k) && (szContent[i + j] == " ") )                {                    break                }            }            if( (szContent[i + j] != " " ) )            {                n = 0;                iNum = szContent[i + j + n]                while( (iNum != " " ) && (AsciiFromChar (iNum)  < 160))                {                    n = n + 1                    if((n >= 3) ||(i + j + n >= iLen))                         break;                    iNum = szContent[i + j + n]                   }                if(n < 3)                {                    j = j + n                     sz1 = strmid(szContent,i,i+j)                    sz1 = cat(szPreStr,sz1)                                }                else                {                    sz1 = strmid(szContent,i,i+j)                    sz1 = cat(szPreStr,sz1)                    if(sz1[strlen(sz1)-1] != "-")                    {                        sz1 = cat(sz1,"-")                                    }                }            }            else            {                sz1 = strmid(szContent,i,i+j)                sz1 = cat(szPreStr,sz1)            }            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@sz1@")            ln = ln + 1            szPreStr = szLeftBlank            i = i + j            while(szContent[i] == " ")            {                i = i + 1            }        }        sz1 = strmid(szContent,i,iLen)        sz1 = cat(szPreStr,sz1)        if(isEnd)        {            sz1 = cat(sz1,"*/")        }        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@sz1@")    }    return ln}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : CommentContent ��������  : �Զ�������ʾ�ı�,��Ϊmsg�Ի����ܴ�����е���������Ҳ��ܳ���255             ���ַ�����Ϊ���У������˴Ӽ�����ȡ���ݵİ취���������������Ǽ�             ���������ݵ�ǰ���ֵĻ�����Ϊ�û��ǿ��������ݣ���������Ȼ�п�����             �?����ָ��ʷdz��� �������  : hbuf                    ln         �к�             szPreStr   ������Ҫ������ַ���             szContent  ��Ҫ������ַ�������             isEnd      �Ƿ���Ҫ��ĩβ����' '��'*'��'/' �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��18��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro CommentContent (hbuf,ln,szPreStr,szContent,isEnd){    szLeftBlank = szPreStr    iLen = strlen(szPreStr)    k = 0    while(k < iLen)    {        szLeftBlank[k] = " ";        k = k + 1;    }    hNewBuf = newbuf("clip")    if(hNewBuf == hNil)        return           SetCurrentBuf(hNewBuf)    PasteBufLine (hNewBuf, 0)    lnMax = GetBufLineCount( hNewBuf )    szTmp = TrimString(szContent)    //�ж������������0��ʱ������Щ�汾�������⣬Ҫ�ų���    if(lnMax != 0)    {        szLine = GetBufLine(hNewBuf , 0)	    ret = strstr(szLine,szTmp)	    if(ret == 0)	    {	        /*������봰����������Ǽ������һ����˵���Ǽ���������ȡ�������е���	          ��*/	        szContent = TrimString(szLine)	    }	    else	    {	        lnMax = 1	    }	        }    else    {        lnMax = 1    }        szRet = ""    nIdx = 0    while ( nIdx < lnMax)     {        if(nIdx != 0)        {            szLine = GetBufLine(hNewBuf , nIdx)            szContent = TrimLeft(szLine)               szPreStr = szLeftBlank        }        iLen = strlen (szContent)        szTmp = cat(szPreStr,"#");        if( (iLen == 0) && (nIdx == (lnMax - 1))        {            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szTmp@")        }        else        {            i = 0            //��ÿ��75���ַ�����            while  (iLen - i > 75 - k )            {                j = 0                while(j < 75 - k)                {                    iNum = szContent[i + j]                    if( AsciiFromChar (iNum)  > 160 )                    {                       j = j + 2                    }                    else                    {                       j = j + 1                    }                    if( (j > 70 - k) && (szContent[i + j] == " ") )                    {                        break                    }                }                if( (szContent[i + j] != " " ) )                {                    n = 0;                    iNum = szContent[i + j + n]                    //����������ַ�ֻ�ܳɶԴ���                    while( (iNum != " " ) && (AsciiFromChar (iNum)  < 160))                    {                        n = n + 1                        if((n >= 3) ||(i + j + n >= iLen))                             break;                        iNum = szContent[i + j + n]                    }                    if(n < 3)                    {                        //�ֶκ�ֻ��С��3�����ַ������¶���������ȥ                        j = j + n                         sz1 = strmid(szContent,i,i+j)                        sz1 = cat(szPreStr,sz1)                                    }                    else                    {                        //����3���ַ��ļ����ַ��ֶ�                        sz1 = strmid(szContent,i,i+j)                        sz1 = cat(szPreStr,sz1)                        if(sz1[strlen(sz1)-1] != "-")                        {                            sz1 = cat(sz1,"-")                                        }                    }                }                else                {                    sz1 = strmid(szContent,i,i+j)                    sz1 = cat(szPreStr,sz1)                }                InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@sz1@")                ln = ln + 1                szPreStr = szLeftBlank                i = i + j                while(szContent[i] == " ")                {                    i = i + 1                }            }            sz1 = strmid(szContent,i,iLen)            sz1 = cat(szPreStr,sz1)            if((isEnd == 1) && (nIdx == (lnMax - 1))            {                sz1 = cat(sz1," */")            }            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@sz1@")        }        ln = ln + 1        nIdx = nIdx + 1    }    closebuf(hNewBuf)    return ln - 1}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : FormatLine ��������  : ��һ�г��ı������Զ����� �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��18��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro FormatLine(){    hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()    if (hwnd == 0)        stop    sel = GetWndSel(hwnd)    if(sel.ichFirst > 70)    {        Msg("ѡ��̫������")        stop     }    hbuf = GetWndBuf(hwnd)    // get line the selection (insertion point) is on    szCurLine = GetBufLine(hbuf, sel.lnFirst);    lineLen = strlen(szCurLine)    szLeft = strmid(szCurLine,0,sel.ichFirst)    szContent = strmid(szCurLine,sel.ichFirst,lineLen)    DelBufLine(hbuf, sel.lnFirst)    CommentContent(hbuf,sel.lnFirst,szLeft,szContent,0)            }/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : CreateBlankString ��������  : ���������ո���ַ��� �������  : nBlankCount   �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��18��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro CreateBlankString(nBlankCount){    szBlank=""    nIdx = 0    while(nIdx < nBlankCount)    {        szBlank = cat(szBlank," ")        nIdx = nIdx + 1    }    return szBlank}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : TrimLeft ��������  : ȥ���ַ�����ߵĿո� �������  : szLine   �������  : ȥ����ո����ַ��� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��18��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro TrimLeft(szLine){    nLen = strlen(szLine)    if(nLen == 0)    {        return szLine    }    nIdx = 0    while( nIdx < nLen )    {        if( ( szLine[nIdx] != " ") && (szLine[nIdx] != "\t") )        {            break        }        nIdx = nIdx + 1    }    return strmid(szLine,nIdx,nLen)}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : TrimRight ��������  : ȥ���ַ����ұߵĿո� �������  : szLine   �������  : ȥ���ҿո����ַ��� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��18��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro TrimRight(szLine){    nLen = strlen(szLine)    if(nLen == 0)    {        return szLine    }    nIdx = nLen    while( nIdx > 0 )    {        nIdx = nIdx - 1        if( ( szLine[nIdx] != " ") && (szLine[nIdx] != "\t") )        {            break        }    }    return strmid(szLine,0,nIdx+1)}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : TrimString ��������  : ȥ���ַ������ҿո� �������  : szLine   �������  : ȥ�����ҿո����ַ��� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��18��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro TrimString(szLine){    szLine = TrimLeft(szLine)    szLIne = TrimRight(szLine)    return szLine}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : GetFunctionDef ��������  : ���ֳɶ��еĺ�������ͷ�ϲ���һ�� �������  : hbuf                 symbol  �������� �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��18��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro GetFunctionDef(hbuf,symbol){    ln = symbol.lnName    szFunc = ""    if(strlen(symbol) == 0)    {       return szFunc    }    fIsEnd = 1//    msg(symbol)    while(ln < symbol.lnLim)    {        szLine = GetBufLine (hbuf, ln)        //ȥ���ע�͵������        RetVal = SkipCommentFromString(szLine,fIsEnd)		szLine = RetVal.szContent		szLine = TrimString(szLine)		fIsEnd = RetVal.fIsEnd        //�����{��ʾ��������ͷ������        ret = strstr(szLine,"{")                if(ret != 0xffffffff)        {            szLine = strmid(szLine,0,ret)            szFunc = cat(szFunc,szLine)            break        }        szFunc = cat(szFunc,szLine)                ln = ln + 1    }    return szFunc}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : GetWordFromString ��������  : ���ַ�����ȡ����ij�ַ�ʽ�ָ���ַ����� �������  : hbuf         ���ɷָ���ַ�����buf             szLine       �ַ���             nBeg         ��ʼ����λ��             nEnd         ��������λ��             chBeg        ��ʼ���ַ���־             chSeparator  �ָ��ַ�             chEnd        �����ַ���־ �������  : ����ַ����� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��18��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro GetWordFromString(hbuf,szLine,nBeg,nEnd,chBeg,chSeparator,chEnd){    if((nEnd > strlen(szLine) || (nBeg > nEnd))    {        return 0    }    nMaxLen = 0    nIdx = nBeg    //�ȶ�λ����ʼ�ַ���Ǵ�    while(nIdx < nEnd)    {        if(szLine[nIdx] == chBeg)        {        	//nIdx����1���ڷָ��Ϊ��ǵ������е�һ�ξͻ��ѵ���ʼ��            break        }        nIdx = nIdx + 1    }    nBegWord = nIdx + 1        //���ڼ��chBeg��chEnd������������λ����ʼ����nIdxû�м�1������iCount=0    iCount = 0        nEndWord = 0    //�Էָ��Ϊ��ǽ�������    while(nIdx < nEnd)    {        if(szLine[nIdx] == chSeparator)        {           szWord = strmid(szLine,nBegWord,nIdx)           szWord = TrimString(szWord)           nLen = strlen(szWord)           if(nMaxLen < nLen)           {               nMaxLen = nLen           }           AppendBufLine(hbuf,szWord)           nBegWord = nIdx + 1        }        if(szLine[nIdx] == chBeg)        {            iCount = iCount + 1        }        if(szLine[nIdx] == chEnd)        {            iCount = iCount - 1            nEndWord = nIdx            if( iCount == 0 )            {                break            }        }        nIdx = nIdx + 1    }    //��ȡ�ָ���������֮����ַ�����    if(nEndWord > nBegWord)    {        szWord = strmid(szLine,nBegWord,nEndWord)        szWord = TrimString(szWord)        nLen = strlen(szWord)        if(nMaxLen < nLen)        {            nMaxLen = nLen        }        AppendBufLine(hbuf,szWord)    }    return nMaxLen}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : FuncHeadCommentCN ��������  : �������ĵĺ���ͷע�� �������  : hbuf                   ln        �к�             szFunc    ������             szMyName  ������             newFunc   �Ƿ��º��� �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��18��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro FuncHeadCommentCN(hbuf, ln, szFunc, szMyName,newFunc){    iIns = 0    if(newFunc != 1)    {        symbol = GetSymbolLocationFromLn(hbuf, ln)        if(strlen(symbol) > 0)        {            hTmpBuf = NewBuf("Tempbuf")            if(hTmpBuf == hNil)            {                stop            }            //���ֳɶ��еĺ�������ͷ�ϲ���һ�в�ȥ����ע��            szLine = GetFunctionDef(hbuf,symbol)            iBegin = symbol.ichName             //ȡ������ֵ����            szTemp = strmid(szLine,0,iBegin)            szTemp = TrimString(szTemp)            szRet =  GetFirstWord(szTemp)            if(symbol.Type == "Method")            {                szTemp = strmid(szTemp,strlen(szRet),strlen(szTemp))                szTemp = TrimString(szTemp)                if(szTemp == "::")                {                    szRet = ""                }               }            if(toupper (szRet) == "MACRO")            {                //���ں귵��ֵ���⴦��                szRet = ""            }            //�Ӻ���ͷ�������������            nMaxParamSize = GetWordFromString(hTmpBuf,szLine,iBegin,strlen(szLine),"(",",",")")            lnMax = GetBufLineCount(hTmpBuf)            ln = symbol.lnFirst            SetBufIns (hbuf, ln, 0)        }    }    else    {        lnMax = 0        szLine = ""        szRet = ""    }    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "/*****************************************************************************")    if( strlen(szFunc)>0 )    {        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+1, " * �� �� ��  : @szFunc@")    }    else    {        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+1, " * �� �� ��  : #")    }    oldln = ln    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+2, " * �� �� ��  : @szMyName@")    SysTime = GetSysTime(1);    /*szTime = SysTime.Date*/	SysTime = GetSysTime(1);    sz1=SysTime.Year    sz2=SysTime.month    sz3=SysTime.day    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+3, " * ��������  : @sz1@��@sz2@��@sz3@��")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+4, " * ��������  : ")    szIns = " * �������  : "    if(newFunc != 1)    {        //�����Ѿ����ڵĺ������뺯������        i = 0        while ( i < lnMax)         {            szTmp = GetBufLine(hTmpBuf, i)            nLen = strlen(szTmp);            szBlank = CreateBlankString(nMaxParamSize - nLen + 2)            szTmp = cat(szTmp,szBlank)            //�����������            szParamAsk = cat("�������������: ",szTmp)            szParamDescribe = Ask(szParamAsk)            szTmp = cat(szTmp,szParamDescribe)                        ln = ln + 1		//����ǹؼ���ÿ�ҵ�һ��������ln��1����֤�����ln+?�ж��������в���������ӵ�            szTmp = cat(szIns,szTmp)            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+4, "@szTmp@")	//�ڵ�ln+4�в�������Ϊǰ��ÿ��������ln=ln+1����ʵ�Ǵ�ln5�п�ʼÿ����������һ��            iIns = 1	//�����Ƿ���ڲ������            szIns = "               "		//�ڶ�������ǰ����ո����            i = i + 1        }            closebuf(hTmpBuf)    }    if(iIns == 0)    {                   ln = ln + 1		//Ϊ�˱������в�����һ��            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+4, " * �������  : ��")	//�ڵ�ln+4�в�������Ϊǰ��ÿ��������ln=ln+1����ʵ�Ǵ�ln5�п�ʼÿ����������һ��    }    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+5, " * �������  : ��")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+6, " * �� �� ֵ  : @szRet@")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+7, " * ���ù�ϵ  : ")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+8, " * ��    ��  : ")    /*InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+6, " �� �� ��  : @szMyName@")    InsbufLIne(hbuf, ln+7, " ����ʱ��  : @szTime@")*///    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+6, " * ��    ¼")//    SysTime = GetSysTime(1);//    /*szTime = SysTime.Date*///	SysTime = GetSysTime(1);//    sz1=SysTime.Year//    sz2=SysTime.month//    sz3=SysTime.day//    if (sz2 < 10)//    {//    	szMonth = "0@sz2@"//   	}//   	else//   	{//   		szMonth = sz2//   	}//   	if (sz3 < 10)//    {//    	szDay = "0@sz3@"//   	}//   	else//   	{//   		szDay = sz3//   	}//    //    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+7, " * 1.��    ��: @sz1@@szMonth@@szDay@")////    if( strlen(szMyName)>0 )//    {//       InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+8, " *   ��    ��: @szMyName@")//    }//    else//    {//       InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+8, " *   ��    ��: #")//    }//    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+9, " *   �޸�����: �����ɺ���")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+9, "")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+10, "*****************************************************************************/")    //�����˺��������º�����ע�ͺ���Ϻ�����    if ((newFunc == 1) && (strlen(szFunc)>0))    {        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+11, "VOS_UINT32  @szFunc@( # )")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+12, "{");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+13, "    #");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+14, "}");        SearchForward()		//��궨λ����ǰ�浥�����ֵ�#�ϣ���ѡ��#���������������#(�����IJ���λ��)    }    hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()    if (hwnd == 0)        stop    //��궨λ��"{"��    sel = GetWndSel(hwnd)    sel.ichFirst = 1    sel.ichLim = sel.ichFirst    sel.lnFirst = ln + 12    sel.lnLast = ln + 12     szContent = Ask("�����뺯����������������")    setWndSel(hwnd,sel)    DelBufLine(hbuf,oldln + 4)    //��ʾ����Ĺ�����������    newln = CommentContent(hbuf,oldln+4," * ��������  : ",szContent,0) - 4//�˴���4����ΪCommentContent���ص�ֵ�Ǵ���ȥ��oldln+4֮�����������    ln = ln + newln - oldln		//������������    if ((newFunc == 1) && (strlen(szFunc)>0))    {        isFirstParam = 1                    //��ʾ�����º����ķ���ֵ        szRet = Ask("�����뷵��ֵ����")        if(strlen(szRet) > 0)        {            PutBufLine(hbuf, ln+6, " * �� �� ֵ  : @szRet@")                        PutBufLine(hbuf, ln+11, "@szRet@ @szFunc@(   )")            SetbufIns(hbuf,ln+11,strlen(szRet)+strlen(szFunc) + 3	//��궨λ��������������"("��һ���ո�        }        szFuncDef = ""        sel.ichFirst = strlen(szFunc)+strlen(szRet) + 3        sel.ichLim = sel.ichFirst + 1        //ѭ���������        while (1)        {            szParam = ask("�����뺯��������")            szParam = TrimString(szParam)            szParamOriginal = szParam            szTmp = cat(szIns,szParam)            szParam = cat(szFuncDef,szParam)                        //��궨λ�����������һ��������            sel.lnFirst = ln + 11            sel.lnLast = ln + 11            setWndSel(hwnd,sel)                        sel.ichFirst = sel.ichFirst + strlen(szParam)            sel.ichLim = sel.ichFirst            oldsel = sel            //�����������            szParamAsk = cat("�������������: ",szParamOriginal)            szParamDescribe = Ask(szParamAsk)            szTmp = cat(szTmp,"  ")            szTmp = cat(szTmp,szParamDescribe)            //�ں���ͷע���в������            if(isFirstParam == 1)            {                PutBufLine(hbuf, ln+4, "@szTmp@")                isFirstParam  = 0            }            else            {                ln = ln + 1                InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+4, "@szTmp@")                oldsel.lnFirst = ln + 11                oldsel.lnLast = ln + 11                   }            //�ڹ�����ڵ�λ�ò������            SetBufSelText(hbuf,szParam)                        //����ͷע�͵Ķ���            szIns = "               "            //�������һ���ո�            szFuncDef = ", "            //��궨λ������"{"���"#"������ѡ��"#"            oldsel.lnFirst = ln + 13            oldsel.lnLast = ln + 13            oldsel.ichFirst = 4            oldsel.ichLim = 5            setWndSel(hwnd,oldsel)        }    }    return ln + 14}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : FuncHeadCommentEN ��������  : ����ͷӢ��˵�� �������  : hbuf                   ln                     szFunc                 szMyName               newFunc    �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��18��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro FuncHeadCommentEN(hbuf, ln, szFunc, szMyName,newFunc){    iIns = 0    if(newFunc != 1)    {        symbol = GetSymbolLocationFromLn(hbuf, ln)        if(strlen(symbol) > 0)        {            hTmpBuf = NewBuf("Tempbuf")                            //���ļ�����ͷ�����һ�в�ȥ����ע��            szLine = GetFunctionDef(hbuf,symbol)                        iBegin = symbol.ichName                        //ȡ������ֵ����            szTemp = strmid(szLine,0,iBegin)            szTemp = TrimString(szTemp)            szRet =  GetFirstWord(szTemp)            if(symbol.Type == "Method")            {                szTemp = strmid(szTemp,strlen(szRet),strlen(szTemp))                szTemp = TrimString(szTemp)                if(szTemp == "::")                {                    szRet = ""                }            }            if(toupper (szRet) == "MACRO")            {                //���ں귵��ֵ���⴦��                szRet = ""            }                        //�Ӻ���ͷ�������������            nMaxParamSize = GetWordFromString(hTmpBuf,szLine,iBegin,strlen(szLine),"(",",",")")            lnMax = GetBufLineCount(hTmpBuf)            ln = symbol.lnFirst            SetBufIns (hbuf, ln, 0)        }    }    else    {        lnMax = 0        szRet = ""        szLine = ""    }    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "/*****************************************************************************")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+1, " * Function      : @szFunc@")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+2, " * Description   : ")    oldln  = ln     szIns = " * Input         : "    if(newFunc != 1)    {        //�����Ѿ����ڵĺ���������������        i = 0        while ( i < lnMax)         {            szTmp = GetBufLine(hTmpBuf, i)            nLen = strlen(szTmp);                        //�����������Ŀո�ʵ���Ƕ������IJ�����˵��            szBlank = CreateBlankString(nMaxParamSize - nLen + 2)            szTmp = cat(szTmp,szBlank)            ln = ln + 1            szTmp = cat(szIns,szTmp)            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+2, "@szTmp@")            iIns = 1            szIns = "                "            i = i + 1        }            closebuf(hTmpBuf)    }    if(iIns == 0)    {                   ln = ln + 1            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+2, " * Input          : None")    }    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+3, " * Output        : None")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+4, " * Return        : @szRet@")    /*InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+5, " Calls        : ")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+6, " Called By    : ")*/    InsbufLIne(hbuf, ln+5, " * Others        : ");        SysTime = GetSysTime(1);    sz1=SysTime.Year    sz2=SysTime.month    sz3=SysTime.day    if (sz2 < 10)    {    	szMonth = "0@sz2@"   	}   	else   	{   		szMonth = sz2   	}   	if (sz3 < 10)    {    	szDay = "0@sz3@"   	}   	else   	{   		szDay = sz3   	}    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 6, " * Record")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 7, " * 1.Date        : @sz1@@szMonth@@szDay@")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 8, " *   Author      : @szMyName@")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 9, " *   Modification: Created function")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 10, "")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 11, "*****************************************************************************/")    if ((newFunc == 1) && (strlen(szFunc)>0))    {        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+12, "VOS_UINT32  @szFunc@( # )")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+13, "{");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+14, "    #");        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+15, "}");        SearchForward()    }            hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()    if (hwnd == 0)        stop    sel = GetWndSel(hwnd)    sel.ichFirst = 0    sel.ichLim = sel.ichFirst    sel.lnFirst = ln + 12    sel.lnLast = ln + 12           szContent = Ask("Description")    DelBufLine(hbuf,oldln + 2)    setWndSel(hwnd,sel)    newln = CommentContent(hbuf,oldln + 2," * Description   : ",szContent,0) - 2    ln = ln + newln - oldln    if ((newFunc == 1) && (strlen(szFunc)>0))    {        //��ʾ���뺯������ֵ��        szRet = Ask("Please input return value type")        if(strlen(szRet) > 0)        {            PutBufLine(hbuf, ln+4, " * Return        : @szRet@")                        PutBufLine(hbuf, ln+12, "@szRet@ @szFunc@( # )")            SetbufIns(hbuf,ln+12,strlen(szRet)+strlen(szFunc) + 3        }        szFuncDef = ""        isFirstParam = 1        sel.ichFirst = strlen(szFunc)+strlen(szRet) + 3        sel.ichLim = sel.ichFirst + 1        //ѭ�������º����IJ���        while (1)        {            szParam = ask("Please input parameter")            szParam = TrimString(szParam)            szTmp = cat(szIns,szParam)            szParam = cat(szFuncDef,szParam)            sel.lnFirst = ln + 12            sel.lnLast = ln + 12            setWndSel(hwnd,sel)            sel.ichFirst = sel.ichFirst + strlen(szParam)            sel.ichLim = sel.ichFirst            oldsel = sel            if(isFirstParam == 1)            {                PutBufLine(hbuf, ln+2, "@szTmp@")                isFirstParam  = 0            }            else            {                ln = ln + 1                InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+2, "@szTmp@")                oldsel.lnFirst = ln + 12                oldsel.lnLast = ln + 12                    }            SetBufSelText(hbuf,szParam)            szIns = "                "            szFuncDef = ", "            oldsel.lnFirst = ln + 14            oldsel.lnLast = ln + 14            oldsel.ichFirst = 4            oldsel.ichLim = 5            setWndSel(hwnd,oldsel)        }    }    return ln + 15}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : InsertHistory ��������  : �����޸���ʷ��¼ �������  : hbuf                   ln        �к�             language  ���� �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��18��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro InsertHistory(hbuf,ln,language){    iHistoryCount = 1//    isLastLine = ln//    i = 0//    while(ln-i>0)//    {//        szCurLine = GetBufLine(hbuf, ln-i);//        iBeg1 = strstr(szCurLine,"��    ��  ")//        iBeg2 = strstr(szCurLine,"Date      ")//        if((iBeg1 != 0xffffffff) || (iBeg2 != 0xffffffff))//        {//            iHistoryCount = iHistoryCount + 1//            i = i + 1//            continue//        }//        iBeg1 = strstr(szCurLine,"�޸���ʷ")//        iBeg2 = strstr(szCurLine,"History      ")//        if((iBeg1 != 0xffffffff) || (iBeg2 != 0xffffffff))//        {//            break//        }//        iBeg = strstr(szCurLine,"/**********************")//        if( iBeg != 0xffffffff )//        {//            break//        }//       i = i + 1//    }    if(language == 0)    {        InsertHistoryContentCN(hbuf,ln,iHistoryCount)    }    else    {        InsertHistoryContentEN(hbuf,ln,iHistoryCount)    }}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : UpdateFunctionList ��������  : ���º����б� �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��18��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro UpdateFunctionList(){    hnewbuf = newbuf("")    if(hnewbuf == hNil)    {        stop    }    hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()    if (hwnd == 0)        stop    sel = GetWndSel(hwnd)    hbuf = GetWndBuf(hwnd)    GetFunctionList(hbuf,hnewbuf)    ln = sel.lnFirst    iHistoryCount = 1    isLastLine = ln    iTotalLn = GetBufLineCount (hbuf)     while(ln < iTotalLn)    {        szCurLine = GetBufLine(hbuf, ln);        iLen = strlen(szCurLine)        j = 0;        while(j < iLen)        {            if(szCurLine[j] != " ")                break            j = j + 1        }                //���ļ�ͷ˵����ǰ�д���10���ո��Ϊ�����б��¼        if(j > 10)        {            DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)           }        else        {            break        }        iTotalLn = GetBufLineCount (hbuf)     }    //���뺯���б�    InsertFileList( hbuf,hnewbuf,ln )    closebuf(hnewbuf) }/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : InsertHistoryContentCN ��������  : ������ʷ�޸ļ�¼����˵�� �������  : hbuf                        ln                          iHostoryCount   �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��18��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro  InsertHistoryContentCN(hbuf,ln,iHostoryCount){	//��ȡʱ��    SysTime = GetSysTime(1);    szYear=SysTime.Year    szMonth=SysTime.month    if (szMonth < 10)    {    	szMonth = "0@szMonth@"   	}    szDay=SysTime.day  	if (szDay < 10)    {    	szDay = "0@szDay@"   	}    //��ȡ�û���    szMyName = getreg(MYNAME)    if(strlen( szMyName ) == 0)    {        szMyName = Ask("Enter your name:")        setreg(MYNAME, szMyName)    }   	//��ȡ�������λ�õ������ַ��������õ�"hi"�ַ���    hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()    if (hwnd == 0)        stop    sel = GetWndSel(hwnd)    szLine = GetBufLine (hbuf, sel.lnFirst)    wordinfo = GetWordLeftOfIch(sel.ichFirst, szLine)	//��ȡ"hi"�����ַ�    strLeft = strmid (szLine, 0, wordinfo.ich)	//�ж������ַ��Ƿ���" * �޸���־   :"    ret =strstr(strLeft, " * �޸���־   :")    if(ret != 0xffffffff)	//�޸���־�ĵ�һ�У�����"�޸���־"�ַ���    {    	szTmp = strLeft    }    else		//�޸���־�������У�ǰ�油�ո�    {    	szTmp = CreateBlankString(16)    }	//�����޸����ڣ��޸���    szTmp = cat(szTmp,"@szYear@@szMonth@@szDay@ by @szMyName@, ")   	szContent = Ask("�������޸ĵ�����")   	CommentContent(hbuf,ln,szTmp,szContent,0)//    SysTime = GetSysTime(1);//    szTime = SysTime.Date//    szMyName = getreg(MYNAME)////    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "")//    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "  @iHostoryCount@.��    ��   : @szTime@")////    if( strlen(szMyName) > 0 )//    {//       InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "    ��    ��   : @szMyName@")//    }//    else//    {//       InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "    ��    ��   : #")//    }//       szContent = Ask("�������޸ĵ�����")//       CommentContent(hbuf,ln + 3,"    �޸�����   : ",szContent,0)}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : InsertHistoryContentEN ��������  : ������ʷ�޸ļ�¼Ӣ��˵�� �������  : hbuf           ��ǰbuf             ln             ��ǰ�к�             iHostoryCount  �޸ļ�¼�ı�� �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��18��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro  InsertHistoryContentEN(hbuf,ln,iHostoryCount){    SysTime = GetSysTime(1);    szTime = SysTime.Date    sz1=SysTime.Year    sz2=SysTime.month    sz3=SysTime.day    if (sz2 < 10)    {    	szMonth = "0@sz2@"   	}   	else   	{   		szMonth = sz2   	}   	if (sz3 < 10)    {    	szDay = "0@sz3@"   	}   	else   	{   		szDay = sz3   	}    szMyName = getreg(MYNAME)    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "  @iHostoryCount@.Date         : @sz1@@szMonth@@szDay@")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "    Author       : @szMyName@")       szContent = Ask("Please input modification")       CommentContent(hbuf,ln + 3,"    Modification : ",szContent,0)}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : CreateFunctionDef ��������  : ����C����ͷ�ļ� �������  : hbuf                   szName                 language   �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��18��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro CreateFunctionDef(hbuf, szName, language){    ln = 0    //��õ�ǰû�к�׺���ļ���    szFileName = GetFileNameNoExt(GetBufName (hbuf))    if(strlen(szFileName) == 0)    {            sz = ask("������ͷ�ļ���")        szFileName = GetFileNameNoExt(sz)        szExt = GetFileNameExt(szFileName)                szPreH = toupper (szFileName)        szPreH = cat("__",szPreH)        szExt = toupper(szExt)        szPreH = cat(szPreH,"_@szExt@__")    }    szPreH = toupper (szFileName)    sz = cat(szFileName,".h")    szPreH = cat("__",szPreH)    szPreH = cat(szPreH,"_H__")    hOutbuf = NewBuf(sz) // create output buffer    if (hOutbuf == 0)        stop    //�������ű�ȡ�ú�����    SetCurrentBuf(hOutbuf)    isymMax = GetBufSymCount(hbuf)    isym = 0    while (isym < isymMax)     {        isLastLine = 0        symbol = GetBufSymLocation(hbuf, isym)        fIsEnd = 1        if(strlen(symbol) > 0)        {            if(symbol.Type == "Class Placeholder")	        {		        hsyml = SymbolChildren(symbol)				cchild = SymListCount(hsyml)				ichild = 0				szClassName = symbol.Symbol                InsBufLine(hOutbuf, ln, "}")			    InsBufLine(hOutbuf, ln, "{")			    InsBufLine(hOutbuf, ln, "class @szClassName@")			    ln = ln + 2		    	while (ichild < cchild)				{					childsym = SymListItem(hsyml, ichild)					childsym.Symbol = szClassName                    ln = CreateClassPrototype(hbuf,ln,childsym)					ichild = ichild + 1				}		        SymListFree(hsyml)                InsBufLine(hOutbuf, ln + 1, "")		        ln = ln + 2	        }            else if( symbol.Type == "Function" )            {                ln = CreateFuncPrototype(hbuf,ln,"extern",symbol)            }            else if( symbol.Type == "Method" )             {                szLine = GetBufline(hbuf,symbol.lnName)                szClassName = GetLeftWord(szLine,symbol.ichName)                symbol.Symbol = szClassName                ln = CreateClassPrototype(hbuf,ln,symbol)                        }                    }        isym = isym + 1    }    InsertCPP(hOutbuf,0)    HeadIfdefStr(szPreH)    szContent = GetFileName(GetBufName (hbuf))    if(language == 0)    {        szContent = cat(szContent," ��ͷ�ļ�")        //�����ļ�ͷ˵��        InsertFileHeaderCN(hOutbuf,0,szName,szContent)    }    else    {        szContent = cat(szContent," header file")        //�����ļ�ͷ˵��        InsertFileHeaderEN(hOutbuf,0,szName,szContent)            }}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : GetLeftWord ��������  : ȡ����ߵĵ��� �������  : szLine                 ichRight ��ʼȡ��λ�� �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��7��05��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro GetLeftWord(szLine,ichRight){    if(ich == 0)    {        return ""    }    ich = ichRight    while(ich > 0)    {        if( (szLine[ich] == " ") || (szLine[ich] == "\t")            || ( szLine[ich] == ":") || (szLine[ich] == "."))        {            ich = ich - 1            ichRight = ich        }        else        {            break        }    }        while(ich > 0)    {        if(szLine[ich] == " ")        {            ich = ich + 1            break        }        ich = ich - 1    }    return strmid(szLine,ich,ichRight)}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : CreateClassPrototype ��������  : ����Class�Ķ��� �������  : hbuf      ��ǰ�ļ�             hOutbuf   ����ļ�             ln        ����к�             symbol    ���� �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��7��05��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro CreateClassPrototype(hbuf,ln,symbol){    isLastLine = 0    fIsEnd = 1    hOutbuf = GetCurrentBuf()    szLine = GetBufLine (hbuf, symbol.lnName)    sline = symbol.lnFirst         szClassName = symbol.Symbol    ret = strstr(szLine,szClassName)    if(ret == 0xffffffff)    {        return ln    }    szPre = strmid(szLine,0,ret)    szLine = strmid(szLine,symbol.ichName,strlen(szLine))    szLine = cat(szPre,szLine)    //ȥ��ע�͵ĸ���    RetVal = SkipCommentFromString(szLine,fIsEnd)    fIsEnd = RetVal.fIsEnd    szNew = RetVal.szContent    szLine = cat("    ",szLine)    szNew = cat("    ",szNew)    while((isLastLine == 0) && (sline < symbol.lnLim))    {           i = 0        j = 0        iLen = strlen(szNew)        while(i < iLen)        {            if(szNew[i]=="(")            {               j = j + 1;            }            else if(szNew[i]==")")            {                j = j - 1;                if(j <= 0)                {                    //��������ͷ����                    isLastLine = 1                      //ȥ����������ַ�        	        szLine = strmid(szLine,0,i+1);                    szLine = cat(szLine,";")                    break                }            }            i = i + 1        }        InsBufLine(hOutbuf, ln, "@szLine@")        ln = ln + 1        sline = sline + 1        if(isLastLine != 1)        {                          //��������ͷ��û�н�����ȡһ��            szLine = GetBufLine (hbuf, sline)            //ȥ��ע�͵ĸ���            RetVal = SkipCommentFromString(szLine,fIsEnd)	        szNew = RetVal.szContent	        fIsEnd = RetVal.fIsEnd        }                        }    return ln}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : CreateFuncPrototype ��������  : ����C����ԭ�Ͷ��� �������  : hbuf      ��ǰ�ļ�             hOutbuf   ����ļ�             ln        ����к�             szType    ԭ������             symbol    ���� �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��7��05��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro CreateFuncPrototype(hbuf,ln,szType,symbol){    isLastLine = 0    hOutbuf = GetCurrentBuf()    szLine = GetBufLine (hbuf,symbol.lnName)    //ȥ��ע�͵ĸ���    RetVal = SkipCommentFromString(szLine,fIsEnd)    szNew = RetVal.szContent    fIsEnd = RetVal.fIsEnd    szLine = cat("@szType@ ",szLine)    szNew = cat("@szType@ ",szNew)    sline = symbol.lnFirst         while((isLastLine == 0) && (sline < symbol.lnLim))    {           i = 0        j = 0        iLen = strlen(szNew)        while(i < iLen)        {            if(szNew[i]=="(")            {               j = j + 1;            }            else if(szNew[i]==")")            {                j = j - 1;                if(j <= 0)                {                    //��������ͷ����                    isLastLine = 1                      //ȥ����������ַ�        	        szLine = strmid(szLine,0,i+1);                    szLine = cat(szLine,";")                    break                }            }            i = i + 1        }        InsBufLine(hOutbuf, ln, "@szLine@")        ln = ln + 1        sline = sline + 1        if(isLastLine != 1)        {                          //��������ͷ��û�н�����ȡһ��            szLine = GetBufLine (hbuf, sline)            szLine = cat("         ",szLine)            //ȥ��ע�͵ĸ���            RetVal = SkipCommentFromString(szLine,fIsEnd)	        szNew = RetVal.szContent	        fIsEnd = RetVal.fIsEnd        }                        }    return ln}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : CreateNewHeaderFile ��������  : ����һ���µ�ͷ�ļ����ļ��������� �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��24��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro CreateNewHeaderFile(){    hbuf = GetCurrentBuf()    language = getreg(LANGUAGE)    if(language != 1)    {        language = 0    }    szName = getreg(MYNAME)    if(strlen( szName ) == 0)    {        szMyName = Ask("Enter your name:")        setreg(MYNAME, szMyName)    }    isymMax = GetBufSymCount(hbuf)    isym = 0    ln = 0    //��õ�ǰû�к�׺���ļ���    sz = ask("Please input header file name")    szFileName = GetFileNameNoExt(sz)    szExt = GetFileNameExt(sz)            szPreH = toupper (szFileName)    szPreH = cat("__",szPreH)    szExt = toupper(szExt)    szPreH = cat(szPreH,"_@szExt@__")    hOutbuf = NewBuf(sz) // create output buffer    if (hOutbuf == 0)        stop    SetCurrentBuf(hOutbuf)    InsertCPP(hOutbuf,0)    HeadIfdefStr(szPreH)    szContent = GetFileName(GetBufName (hbuf))    if(language == 0)    {        szContent = cat(szContent," ��ͷ�ļ�")        //�����ļ�ͷ˵��        InsertFileHeaderCN(hOutbuf,0,szName,szContent)    }    else    {        szContent = cat(szContent," header file")        //�����ļ�ͷ˵��        InsertFileHeaderEN(hOutbuf,0,szName,szContent)            }    lnMax = GetBufLineCount(hOutbuf)    if(lnMax > 9)    {        ln = lnMax - 9    }    else    {        return    }    hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()    if (hwnd == 0)        stop    sel = GetWndSel(hwnd)    sel.lnFirst = ln    sel.ichFirst = 0    sel.ichLim = 0    SetBufIns(hOutbuf,ln,0)    szType = Ask ("Please prototype type : extern or static")    //�������ű�ȡ�ú�����    while (isym < isymMax)     {        isLastLine = 0        symbol = GetBufSymLocation(hbuf, isym)        fIsEnd = 1        if(strlen(symbol) > 0)        {            if(symbol.Type == "Class Placeholder")	        {		        hsyml = SymbolChildren(symbol)				cchild = SymListCount(hsyml)				ichild = 0				szClassName = symbol.Symbol                InsBufLine(hOutbuf, ln, "}")			    InsBufLine(hOutbuf, ln, "{")			    InsBufLine(hOutbuf, ln, "class @szClassName@")			    ln = ln + 2		    	while (ichild < cchild)				{					childsym = SymListItem(hsyml, ichild)					childsym.Symbol = szClassName                    ln = CreateClassPrototype(hbuf,ln,childsym)					ichild = ichild + 1				}		        SymListFree(hsyml)                InsBufLine(hOutbuf, ln + 1, "")		        ln = ln + 2	        }            else if( symbol.Type == "Function" )            {                ln = CreateFuncPrototype(hbuf,ln,szType,symbol)            }            else if( symbol.Type == "Method" )             {                szLine = GetBufline(hbuf,symbol.lnName)                szClassName = GetLeftWord(szLine,symbol.ichName)                symbol.Symbol = szClassName                ln = CreateClassPrototype(hbuf,ln,symbol)                        }        }        isym = isym + 1    }    sel.lnLast = ln     SetWndSel(hwnd,sel)}/*   G E T   W O R D   L E F T   O F   I C H   *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------------    Given an index to a character (ich) and a string (sz),    return a "wordinfo" record variable that describes the     text word just to the left of the ich.    Output:        wordinfo.szWord = the word string        wordinfo.ich = the first ich of the word        wordinfo.ichLim = the limit ich of the word-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/macro GetWordLeftOfIch(ich, sz){    wordinfo = "" // create a "wordinfo" structure        chTab = CharFromAscii(9)        // scan backwords over white space, if any    ich = ich - 1;    if (ich >= 0)        while (sz[ich] == " " || sz[ich] == chTab)        {            ich = ich - 1;            if (ich < 0)                break;        }        // scan backwords to start of word        ichLim = ich + 1;    asciiA = AsciiFromChar("A")    asciiZ = AsciiFromChar("Z")    while (ich >= 0)    {        ch = toupper(sz[ich])        asciiCh = AsciiFromChar(ch)        /*        if ((asciiCh < asciiA || asciiCh > asciiZ)             && !IsNumber(ch)             &&  (ch != "#") )            break // stop at first non-identifier character*/        //ֻ��ȡ�ַ���# { / *��Ϊ����        if ((asciiCh < asciiA || asciiCh > asciiZ)            && !IsNumber(ch)           && ( ch != "#" && ch != "{" && ch != "/" && ch != "*"))            break;        ich = ich - 1;    }        ich = ich + 1    wordinfo.szWord = strmid(sz, ich, ichLim)    wordinfo.ich = ich    wordinfo.ichLim = ichLim;        return wordinfo}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : ReplaceBufTab ��������  : �滻tabΪ�ո� �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��18��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro ReplaceBufTab(){    hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()    if (hwnd == 0)        stop    hbuf = GetWndBuf(hwnd)    iTotalLn = GetBufLineCount (hbuf)    nBlank = Ask("һ��Tab�滻�����ո�")    if(nBlank == 0)    {        nBlank = 4    }    szBlank = CreateBlankString(nBlank)    ReplaceInBuf(hbuf,"\t",szBlank,0, iTotalLn, 1, 0, 0, 1)}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : ReplaceTabInProj ��������  : �������������滻tabΪ�ո� �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��18��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro ReplaceTabInProj(){    hprj = GetCurrentProj()    ifileMax = GetProjFileCount (hprj)    nBlank = Ask("һ��Tab�滻�����ո�")    if(nBlank == 0)    {        nBlank = 4    }    szBlank = CreateBlankString(nBlank)    ifile = 0    while (ifile < ifileMax)    {        filename = GetProjFileName (hprj, ifile)        hbuf = OpenBuf (filename)        if(hbuf != 0)        {            iTotalLn = GetBufLineCount (hbuf)            ReplaceInBuf(hbuf,"\t",szBlank,0, iTotalLn, 1, 0, 0, 1)        }        if( IsBufDirty (hbuf) )        {            SaveBuf (hbuf)        }        CloseBuf(hbuf)        ifile = ifile + 1    }}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : ReplaceInBuf ��������  : �滻tabΪ�ո�,ֻ��2.1����Ч �������  : hbuf                          chOld                         chNew                         nBeg                          nEnd                          fMatchCase                    fRegExp                       fWholeWordsOnly               fConfirm          �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��18��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro ReplaceInBuf(hbuf,chOld,chNew,nBeg,nEnd,fMatchCase, fRegExp, fWholeWordsOnly, fConfirm){    hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()    if (hwnd == 0)        stop    hbuf = GetWndBuf(hwnd)    sel = GetWndSel(hwnd)    sel.ichLim = 0    sel.lnLast = 0    sel.ichFirst = sel.ichLim    sel.lnFirst = sel.lnLast    SetWndSel(hwnd, sel)    LoadSearchPattern(chOld, 0, 0, 0);    while(1)    {        Search_Forward        selNew = GetWndSel(hwnd)        if(sel == selNew)        {            break        }        SetBufSelText(hbuf, chNew)           selNew.ichLim = selNew.ichFirst         SetWndSel(hwnd, selNew)        sel = selNew    }}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : ConfigureSystem ��������  : ����ϵͳ �������  : �� �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��18��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro ConfigureSystem(){    szLanguage = ASK("Please select language: 0 Chinese ,1 English");    if(szLanguage == "#")    {       SetReg ("LANGUAGE", "0")    }    else    {       SetReg ("LANGUAGE", szLanguage)    }        szName = ASK("Please input your name");    if(szName == "#")    {       SetReg ("MYNAME", "")    }    else    {       SetReg ("MYNAME", szName)    }}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : GetLeftBlank ��������  : �õ��ַ�����ߵĿո��ַ��� �������  : szLine   �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��18��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro GetLeftBlank(szLine){    nIdx = 0    nEndIdx = strlen(szLine)    while( nIdx < nEndIdx )    {        if( (szLine[nIdx] !=" ") && (szLine[nIdx] !="\t") )        {            break;        }        nIdx = nIdx + 1    }    return nIdx}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : ExpandBraceLittle ��������  : С������չ �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��18��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro ExpandBraceLittle(){    hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()    sel = GetWndSel(hwnd)    hbuf = GetCurrentBuf()    if( (sel.lnFirst == sel.lnLast)         && (sel.ichFirst == sel.ichLim) )    {        SetBufSelText (hbuf, "(  )")        SetBufIns (hbuf, sel.lnFirst, sel.ichFirst + 2)        }    else    {        SetBufIns (hbuf, sel.lnFirst, sel.ichFirst)            SetBufSelText (hbuf, "( ")        SetBufIns (hbuf, sel.lnLast, sel.ichLim + 2)            SetBufSelText (hbuf, " )")    }    }/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : ExpandBraceMid ��������  : ��������չ �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��18��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro ExpandBraceMid(){    hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()    sel = GetWndSel(hwnd)    hbuf = GetCurrentBuf()    if( (sel.lnFirst == sel.lnLast)         && (sel.ichFirst == sel.ichLim) )    {        SetBufSelText (hbuf, "[]")        SetBufIns (hbuf, sel.lnFirst, sel.ichFirst + 1)        }    else    {        SetBufIns (hbuf, sel.lnFirst, sel.ichFirst)            SetBufSelText (hbuf, "[")        SetBufIns (hbuf, sel.lnLast, sel.ichLim + 1)            SetBufSelText (hbuf, "]")    }    }/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : ExpandBraceLarge ��������  : ��������չ �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��18��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro ExpandBraceLarge(){    hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()    sel = GetWndSel(hwnd)    hbuf = GetCurrentBuf()    ln = sel.lnFirst    nlineCount = 0    retVal = ""    szLine = GetBufLine( hbuf, ln )        nLeft = GetLeftBlank(szLine)    szLeft = strmid(szLine,0,nLeft);    szRight = ""    szMid = ""    if(sel.lnFirst == sel.lnLast && sel.ichFirst == sel.ichLim)    {        //����û�п�ѡ��������ֱ�Ӳ���{}����        if( nLeft == strlen(szLine) )        {            SetBufSelText (hbuf, "{")        }        else        {                ln = ln + 1                    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLeft@{")                 nlineCount = nlineCount + 1        }        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLeft@    ")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLeft@}")        nlineCount = nlineCount + 2        SetBufIns (hbuf, ln + 1, strlen(szLeft)+4)    }    else    {        //�����п�ѡ���������ÿ��ǽ���ѡ�����ֿ���                //���ѡ�������Ƿ��������ԣ������̫����ע�͵�������ж�        RetVal= CheckBlockBrace(hbuf)        if(RetVal.iCount != 0)        {            msg("Invalidated brace number")            stop        }                //ȡ��ѡ����ǰ������        szOld = strmid(szLine,0,sel.ichFirst)        if(sel.lnFirst != sel.lnLast)        {            //���ڶ��е����                        //��һ�е�ѡ�в���            szMid = strmid(szLine,sel.ichFirst,strlen(szLine))            szMid = TrimString(szMid)            szLast = GetBufLine(hbuf,sel.lnLast)            if( sel.ichLim > strlen(szLast) )            {                //���ѡ�������ȴ��ڸ��еij��ȣ����ȡ���еij���                szLineselichLim = strlen(szLast)            }            else            {                szLineselichLim = sel.ichLim            }                        //�õ����һ��ѡ����Ϊ���ַ�            szRight = strmid(szLast,szLineselichLim,strlen(szLast))            szRight = TrimString(szRight)        }        else        {            //����ѡ��ֻ��һ�е����             if(sel.ichLim >= strlen(szLine))             {                 sel.ichLim = strlen(szLine)             }                          //���ѡ����������             szMid = strmid(szLine,sel.ichFirst,sel.ichLim)             szMid = TrimString(szMid)                         if( sel.ichLim > strlen(szLine) )             {                 szLineselichLim = strlen(szLine)             }             else             {                 szLineselichLim = sel.ichLim             }                          //ͬ���õ�ѡ�����������             szRight = strmid(szLine,szLineselichLim,strlen(szLine))             szRight = TrimString(szRight)        }        nIdx = sel.lnFirst        while( nIdx < sel.lnLast)        {            szCurLine = GetBufLine(hbuf,nIdx+1)            if( sel.ichLim > strlen(szCurLine) )            {                szLineselichLim = strlen(szCurLine)            }            else            {                szLineselichLim = sel.ichLim            }            szCurLine = cat("    ",szCurLine)            if(nIdx == sel.lnLast - 1)            {                //�������һ��Ӧ����ѡ�����ڵ����ݺ�����λ                szCurLine = strmid(szCurLine,0,szLineselichLim + 4)                PutBufLine(hbuf,nIdx+1,szCurLine)                                }            else            {                //������������е����ݺ�����λ                PutBufLine(hbuf,nIdx+1,szCurLine)            }            nIdx = nIdx + 1        }        if(strlen(szRight) != 0)        {            //���������һ��û�б�ѡ�������            InsBufLine(hbuf, sel.lnLast + 1, "@szLeft@@szRight@")                }        InsBufLine(hbuf, sel.lnLast + 1, "@szLeft@}")                nlineCount = nlineCount + 1        if(nLeft < sel.ichFirst)        {            //���ѡ����ǰ�����ݲ��ǿո���Ҫ����ò�������            PutBufLine(hbuf,ln,szOld)            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+1, "@szLeft@{")            nlineCount = nlineCount + 1            ln = ln + 1        }        else        {            //���ѡ����ǰû������ֱ��ɾ������            DelBufLine(hbuf,ln)            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLeft@{")        }        if(strlen(szMid) > 0)        {            //�����һ��ѡ����������            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln+1, "@szLeft@    @szMid@")            nlineCount = nlineCount + 1            ln = ln + 1        }            }    retVal.szLeft = szLeft    retVal.nLineCount = nlineCount    //������������ߵĿհ�    return retVal}/*macro ScanStatement(szLine,iBeg){    nIdx = 0    iLen = strlen(szLine)    while(nIdx < iLen -1)    {        if(szLine[nIdx] == "/" && szLine[nIdx + 1] == "/")        {            return 0xffffffff        }        if(szLine[nIdx] == "/" && szLine[nIdx + 1] == "*")        {           while(nIdx < iLen)           {               if(szLine[nIdx] == "*" && szLine[nIdx + 1] == "/")               {                   break               }               nIdx = nIdx + 1                          }        }        if( (szLine[nIdx] != " ") && (szLine[nIdx] != "\t" ))        {            return nIdx        }        nIdx = nIdx + 1    }    if( (szLine[iLen -1] == " ") || (szLine[iLen -1] == "\t" ))    {        return 0xffffffff    }    return nIdx}*//*macro MoveCommentLeftBlank(szLine){    nIdx  = 0    iLen = strlen(szLine)    while(nIdx < iLen - 1)    {         if(szLine[nIdx] == "/" && szLine[nIdx+1] == "*")        {            szLine[nIdx] = " "            szLine[nIdx + 1] = " "            nIdx = nIdx + 2            while(nIdx < iLen - 1)            {                if(szLine[nIdx] != " " && szLine[nIdx] != "\t")                {                    szLine[nIdx - 2] = "/"                    szLine[nIdx - 1] = "*"                    return szLine                }                nIdx = nIdx + 1            }                }        if(szLine[nIdx] == "/" && szLine[nIdx+1] == "/")        {            szLine[nIdx] = " "            szLine[nIdx + 1] = " "            nIdx = nIdx + 2            while(nIdx < iLen - 1)            {                if(szLine[nIdx] != " " && szLine[nIdx] != "\t")                {                    szLine[nIdx - 2] = "/"                    szLine[nIdx - 1] = "/"                    return szLine                }                nIdx = nIdx + 1            }                }        nIdx = nIdx + 1    }    return szLine}*//***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : DelCompoundStatement ��������  : ɾ��һ��������� �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��19��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro DelCompoundStatement(){    hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()    sel = GetWndSel(hwnd)    hbuf = GetCurrentBuf()    ln = sel.lnFirst    szLine = GetBufLine(hbuf,ln )    nLeft = GetLeftBlank(szLine)    szLeft = strmid(szLine,0,nLeft);    Msg("@szLine@  will be deleted !")    fIsEnd = 1    while(1)    {        RetVal = SkipCommentFromString(szLine,fIsEnd)        szTmp = RetVal.szContent        fIsEnd = RetVal.fIsEnd        //���Ҹ������Ŀ�ʼ        ret = strstr(szTmp,"{")        if(ret != 0xffffffff)        {            szNewLine = strmid(szLine,ret+1,strlen(szLine))            szNew = strmid(szTmp,ret+1,strlen(szTmp))            szNew = TrimString(szNew)            if(szNew != "")            {                InsBufLine(hbuf,ln + 1,"@szLeft@    @szNewLine@");            }            sel.lnFirst = ln            sel.lnLast = ln            sel.ichFirst = ret            sel.ichLim = ret            //���Ҷ�Ӧ�Ĵ�����                        //ʹ���Լ���д�Ĵ����ٶ�̫��            retTmp = SearchCompoundEnd(hbuf,ln,ret)            if(retTmp.iCount == 0)            {                                DelBufLine(hbuf,retTmp.ln)                sel.ichFirst = 0                sel.ichLim = 0                DelBufLine(hbuf,ln)                sel.lnLast = retTmp.ln - 1                SetWndSel(hwnd,sel)                Indent_Left            }                        //ʹ��Si�Ĵ�������Է�������V2.1ʱ��ע��Ƕ��ʱ��������/*            SetWndSel(hwnd,sel)            Block_Down            selNew = GetWndSel(hwnd)            if(selNew != sel)            {                                DelBufLine(hbuf,selNew.lnFirst)                sel.ichFirst = 0                sel.ichLim = 0                DelBufLine(hbuf,ln)                sel.lnLast = selNew.lnFirst - 1                SetWndSel(hwnd,sel)                Indent_Left            }*/            break        }        szTmp = TrimString(szTmp)        iLen = strlen(szTmp)        if(iLen != 0)        {            if(szTmp[iLen-1] == ";")            {                break            }        }        DelBufLine(hbuf,ln)           if( ln == GetBufLineCount(hbuf ))        {             break        }        szLine = GetBufLine(hbuf,ln)    }}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : CheckBlockBrace ��������  : ��ⶨ����еĴ����������� �������  : hbuf   �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��19��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro CheckBlockBrace(hbuf){    hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()    sel = GetWndSel(hwnd)    ln = sel.lnFirst    nCount = 0    RetVal = ""    szLine = GetBufLine( hbuf, ln )        if(sel.lnFirst == sel.lnLast && sel.ichFirst == sel.ichLim)    {        RetVal.iCount = 0        RetVal.ich = sel.ichFirst        return RetVal    }    if(sel.lnFirst == sel.lnLast && sel.ichFirst != sel.ichLim)    {        RetTmp = SkipCommentFromString(szLine,fIsEnd)        szTmp = RetTmp.szContent        RetVal = CheckBrace(szTmp,sel.ichFirst,sel.ichLim,"{","}",0,1)        return RetVal    }    if(sel.lnFirst != sel.lnLast)    {	    fIsEnd = 1	    while(ln <= sel.lnLast)	    {	        if(ln == sel.lnFirst)	        {	            RetVal = CheckBrace(szLine,sel.ichFirst,strlen(szLine)-1,"{","}",nCount,fIsEnd)	        }	        else if(ln == sel.lnLast)	        {	            RetVal = CheckBrace(szLine,0,sel.ichLim,"{","}",nCount,fIsEnd)	        }	        else	        {	            RetVal = CheckBrace(szLine,0,strlen(szLine)-1,"{","}",nCount,fIsEnd)	        }	        fIsEnd = RetVal.fIsEnd	        ln = ln + 1	        nCount = RetVal.iCount	        szLine = GetBufLine( hbuf, ln )    	    }    }    return RetVal}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : SearchCompoundEnd ��������  : ����һ���������Ľ����� �������  : hbuf                 ln      ��ѯ��ʼ��             ichBeg  ��ѯ��ʼ�� �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��19��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro SearchCompoundEnd(hbuf,ln,ichBeg){    hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()    sel = GetWndSel(hwnd)    ln = sel.lnFirst    nCount = 0    SearchVal = ""//    szLine = GetBufLine( hbuf, ln )    lnMax = GetBufLineCount(hbuf)    fIsEnd = 1    while(ln < lnMax)    {        szLine = GetBufLine( hbuf, ln )        RetVal = CheckBrace(szLine,ichBeg,strlen(szLine)-1,"{","}",nCount,fIsEnd)        fIsEnd = RetVal.fIsEnd        ichBeg = 0        nCount = RetVal.iCount                //���nCount=0��˵��{}����Ե�        if(nCount == 0)        {            break        }        ln = ln + 1//        szLine = GetBufLine( hbuf, ln )        }    SearchVal.iCount = RetVal.iCount    SearchVal.ich = RetVal.ich    SearchVal.ln = ln    return SearchVal}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : CheckBrace ��������  : ������ŵ������� �������  : szLine       �����ַ���             ichBeg       �����ʼ             ichEnd       ������             chBeg        ��ʼ�ַ�(������)             chEnd        �����ַ�(������)             nCheckCount   �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��19��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro CheckBrace(szLine,ichBeg,ichEnd,chBeg,chEnd,nCheckCount,isCommentEnd){    retVal = ""    retVal.ich = 0    nIdx = ichBeg    nLen = strlen(szLine)    if(ichEnd >= nLen)    {        ichEnd = nLen - 1    }    fIsEnd = 1    while(nIdx <= ichEnd)    {        //�����/*ע�����������ö�        if( (isCommentEnd == 0) || (szLine[nIdx] == "/" && szLine[nIdx+1] == "*"))        {            fIsEnd = 0            while(nIdx <= ichEnd )            {                if(szLine[nIdx] == "*" && szLine[nIdx+1] == "/")                {                    nIdx = nIdx + 1                     fIsEnd  = 1                    isCommentEnd = 1                    break                }                nIdx = nIdx + 1             }            if(nIdx > ichEnd)            {                break            }        }        //�����//ע����ֹͣ����        if(szLine[nIdx] == "/" && szLine[nIdx+1] == "/")        {            break        }        if(szLine[nIdx] == chBeg)        {            nCheckCount = nCheckCount + 1        }        if(szLine[nIdx] == chEnd)        {            nCheckCount = nCheckCount - 1            if(nCheckCount == 0)            {                retVal.ich = nIdx            }        }        nIdx = nIdx + 1    }    retVal.iCount = nCheckCount    retVal.fIsEnd = fIsEnd    return retVal}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : InsertElse ��������  : ����else��� �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��19��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro InsertElse(){    hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()    sel = GetWndSel(hwnd)    hbuf = GetCurrentBuf()    ln = sel.lnFirst    if(sel.lnFirst == sel.lnLast && sel.ichFirst == sel.ichLim)    {        szLeft = CreateBlankString(sel.ichFirst)        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln,szLeft)        SetWndSel(hwnd,sel)    }    val = ExpandBraceLarge()    szLeft = val.szLeft    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLeft@else")        if(sel.lnFirst == sel.lnLast && sel.ichFirst == sel.ichLim)    {        PutBufLine(hbuf,ln+2, "@szLeft@    ")        SetBufIns (hbuf, ln+2, strlen(szLeft)+4)        return    }    SetBufIns (hbuf, ln, strlen(szLeft)+7)}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : InsertCase ��������  : ����case��� �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��19��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro InsertCase(){    hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()    sel = GetWndSel(hwnd)    hbuf = GetCurrentBuf()    ln = sel.lnFirst    szLine = GetBufLine( hbuf, ln )        nLeft = GetLeftBlank(szLine)    szLeft = strmid(szLine,0,nLeft);    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLeft@" # "case # :")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLeft@" # "    " # "#")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLeft@" # "    " # "break;")    SearchForward()    }/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : InsertSwitch ��������  : ����swich��� �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��19��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro InsertSwitch(){    hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()    sel = GetWndSel(hwnd)    hbuf = GetCurrentBuf()    ln = sel.lnFirst    szLine = GetBufLine( hbuf, ln )        nLeft = GetLeftBlank(szLine)    szLeft = strmid(szLine,0,nLeft);    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLeft@switch ( # )")        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLeft@" # "{")    nSwitch = ask("������case�ĸ���")    InsertMultiCaseProc(hbuf,szLeft,nSwitch)    SearchForward()    }/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : InsertMultiCaseProc ��������  : ������case �������  : hbuf                  szLeft                nSwitch   �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��19��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro InsertMultiCaseProc(hbuf,szLeft,nSwitch){    hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()    sel = GetWndSel(hwnd)    ln = sel.lnFirst    nIdx = 0    if(nSwitch == 0)    {        hNewBuf = newbuf("clip")        if(hNewBuf == hNil)            return               SetCurrentBuf(hNewBuf)        PasteBufLine (hNewBuf, 0)        nLeftMax = 0        lnMax = GetBufLineCount(hNewBuf )        i = 0        fIsEnd = 1        while ( i < lnMax)         {            szLine = GetBufLine(hNewBuf , i)            //��ȥ�������ע�͵�����            RetVal = SkipCommentFromString(szLine,fIsEnd)            szLine = RetVal.szContent            fIsEnd = RetVal.fIsEnd//            nLeft = GetLeftBlank(szLine)            //�Ӽ�������ȡ��caseֵ            szLine = GetSwitchVar(szLine)            if(strlen(szLine) != 0 )            {                ln = ln + 3                InsBufLine(hbuf, ln - 1, "@szLeft@    " # "case @szLine@:")                InsBufLine(hbuf, ln    , "@szLeft@    " # "    " # "#")                InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLeft@    " # "    " # "break;")              }              i = i + 1        }        closebuf(hNewBuf)       }       else       {        while(nIdx < nSwitch)        {            ln = ln + 3            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln - 1, "@szLeft@    " # "case # :")            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln    , "@szLeft@    " # "    " # "#")            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLeft@    " # "    " # "break;")            nIdx = nIdx + 1        }      }    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLeft@    " # "default:")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 3, "@szLeft@    " # "    " # "#")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 4, "@szLeft@" # "}")    SetWndSel(hwnd, sel)    SearchForward()}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : GetSwitchVar ��������  : ��ö�١��궨��ȡ��caseֵ �������  : szLine   �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��19��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro GetSwitchVar(szLine){    if( (szLine == "{") || (szLine == "}") )    {        return ""    }    ret = strstr(szLine,"#define" )    if(ret != 0xffffffff)    {        szLine = strmid(szLine,ret + 8,strlen(szLine))    }    szLine = TrimLeft(szLine)    nIdx = 0    nLen = strlen(szLine)    while( nIdx < nLen)    {        if((szLine[nIdx] == " ") || (szLine[nIdx] == ",") || (szLine[nIdx] == "="))        {            szLine = strmid(szLine,0,nIdx)            return szLine        }        nIdx = nIdx + 1    }    return szLine}/*macro SkipControlCharFromString(szLine){   nLen = strlen(szLine)   nIdx = 0   newStr = ""   while(nIdx < nLen - 1)   {       if(szLine[nIdx] == "\t")       {           newStr = cat(newStr,"    ")       }       else if(szLine[nIdx] < " ")       {           newStr = cat(newStr," ")                  }       else       {           newStr = cat(newStr," ")                             }   }}*//***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : SkipCommentFromString ��������  : ȥ��ע�͵����ݣ���ע��������Ϊ�ո� �������  : szLine        �����е�����             isCommentEnd  �Ƿ�ǰ�еĿ�ʼ�Ѿ���ע�ͽ����� �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��19��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro SkipCommentFromString(szLine,isCommentEnd){    RetVal = ""    fIsEnd = 1    nLen = strlen(szLine)    nIdx = 0    while(nIdx < nLen )    {        //�����ǰ�п�ʼ���DZ�ע�ͣ���������ע�Ϳ�ʼ�ı��ǣ�ע�����ݸ�Ϊ�ո�        if( (isCommentEnd == 0) || (szLine[nIdx] == "/" && szLine[nIdx+1] == "*"))        {            fIsEnd = 0            while(nIdx < nLen )            {                if(szLine[nIdx] == "*" && szLine[nIdx+1] == "/")                {                    szLine[nIdx+1] = " "                    szLine[nIdx] = " "                     nIdx = nIdx + 1                     fIsEnd  = 1                    isCommentEnd = 1                    break                }                szLine[nIdx] = " "                                //����ǵ����ڶ��������һ��Ҳ�϶�����ע����//                if(nIdx == nLen -2 )//                {//                    szLine[nIdx + 1] = " "//                }                nIdx = nIdx + 1             }                            //����Ѿ�������β��ֹ����            if(nIdx == nLen)            {                break            }        }                //�����������//��ע�͵�˵�����涼Ϊע��        if(szLine[nIdx] == "/" && szLine[nIdx+1] == "/")        {            szLine = strmid(szLine,0,nIdx)            break        }        nIdx = nIdx + 1                    }    RetVal.szContent = szLine;    RetVal.fIsEnd = fIsEnd    return RetVal}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : InsertDo ��������  : ����Do��� �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��19��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro InsertDo(){    hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()    sel = GetWndSel(hwnd)    hbuf = GetCurrentBuf()    ln = sel.lnFirst    if(sel.lnFirst == sel.lnLast && sel.ichFirst == sel.ichLim)    {        szLeft = CreateBlankString(sel.ichFirst)        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln,szLeft)        SetWndSel(hwnd,sel)    }    val = ExpandBraceLarge()    szLeft = val.szLeft    if(sel.lnFirst == sel.lnLast && sel.ichFirst == sel.ichLim)    {        PutBufLine(hbuf,ln+1, "@szLeft@    #")    }    PutBufLine(hbuf, sel.lnLast + val.nLineCount, "@szLeft@}while ( # );")    //       SetBufIns (hbuf, sel.lnLast + val.nLineCount, strlen(szLeft)+8)    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLeft@do")        SearchForward()}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : InsertWhile ��������  : ����While��� �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��19��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro InsertWhile(){    hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()    sel = GetWndSel(hwnd)    hbuf = GetCurrentBuf()    ln = sel.lnFirst    if(sel.lnFirst == sel.lnLast && sel.ichFirst == sel.ichLim)    {        szLeft = CreateBlankString(sel.ichFirst)        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln,szLeft)        SetWndSel(hwnd,sel)    }    val = ExpandBraceLarge()    szLeft = val.szLeft    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLeft@while ( # )")        if(sel.lnFirst == sel.lnLast && sel.ichFirst == sel.ichLim)    {        PutBufLine(hbuf,ln+2, "@szLeft@    #")    }    SetBufIns (hbuf, ln, strlen(szLeft)+7)    SearchForward()}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : InsertFor ��������  : ����for��� �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��19��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro InsertFor(){    hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()    sel = GetWndSel(hwnd)    hbuf = GetCurrentBuf()    ln = sel.lnFirst    if(sel.lnFirst == sel.lnLast && sel.ichFirst == sel.ichLim)    {        szLeft = CreateBlankString(sel.ichFirst)        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln,szLeft)        SetWndSel(hwnd,sel)    }    val = ExpandBraceLarge()    szLeft = val.szLeft    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln,"@szLeft@for ( # ; # ; # )")    if(sel.lnFirst == sel.lnLast && sel.ichFirst == sel.ichLim)    {        PutBufLine(hbuf,ln+2, "@szLeft@    #")    }    sel.lnFirst = ln    sel.lnLast = ln     sel.ichFirst = 0    sel.ichLim = 0    SetWndSel(hwnd, sel)    SearchForward()    szVar = ask("������ѭ������")    PutBufLine(hbuf,ln, "@szLeft@for ( @szVar@ = # ; @szVar@ # ; @szVar@++ )")    SearchForward()}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : InsertIf ��������  : ����If��� �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��19��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro InsertIf(){    hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()    sel = GetWndSel(hwnd)    hbuf = GetCurrentBuf()    ln = sel.lnFirst    if(sel.lnFirst == sel.lnLast && sel.ichFirst == sel.ichLim)    {        szLeft = CreateBlankString(sel.ichFirst)        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln,szLeft)        SetWndSel(hwnd,sel)    }    val = ExpandBraceLarge()    szLeft = val.szLeft    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLeft@if ( # )")        if(sel.lnFirst == sel.lnLast && sel.ichFirst == sel.ichLim)    {        PutBufLine(hbuf,ln+2, "@szLeft@    #")    }//       SetBufIns (hbuf, ln, strlen(szLeft)+4)    SearchForward()}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : MergeString ��������  : ���������е����ϲ���һ�� �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��24��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro MergeString(){    hbuf = newbuf("clip")    if(hbuf == hNil)        return           SetCurrentBuf(hbuf)    PasteBufLine (hbuf, 0)        //�����������û�����ݣ��?�    lnMax = GetBufLineCount(hbuf )    if( lnMax == 0 )    {        closebuf(hbuf)        return ""    }    lnLast =  0    if(lnMax > 1)    {        lnLast = lnMax - 1         i = lnMax - 1    }    while ( i > 0)     {        szLine = GetBufLine(hbuf , i-1)        szLine = TrimLeft(szLine)        nLen = strlen(szLine)        if(szLine[nLen - 1] == "-")        {              szLine = strmid(szLine,0,nLen - 1)        }        nLen = strlen(szLine)        if( (szLine[nLen - 1] != " ") && (AsciiFromChar (szLine[nLen - 1])  <= 160))        {              szLine = cat(szLine," ")         }        SetBufIns (hbuf, lnLast, 0)        SetBufSelText(hbuf,szLine)        i = i - 1    }    szLine = GetBufLine(hbuf,lnLast)    closebuf(hbuf)    return szLine}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : ClearPrombleNo ��������  : ������ⵥ�� �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��19��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro ClearPrombleNo(){   SetReg ("PNO", "")}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : AddPromblemNo ��������  : ������ⵥ�� �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��19��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro AddPromblemNo(){    szQuestion = ASK("Please Input problem number ");    if(szQuestion == "#")    {       szQuestion = ""       SetReg ("PNO", "")    }    else    {       SetReg ("PNO", szQuestion)    }    return szQuestion}/*this macro convet selected  C++ coment block to C comment block for example:  line "  // aaaaa "  convert to  /* aaaaa */*//*macro ComentCPPtoC(){    hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()    lnFirst = GetWndSelLnFirst( hwnd )    lnLast = GetWndSelLnLast( hwnd )    lnCurrent = lnFirst    fIsEnd = 1    while ( lnCurrent <= lnLast )    {        fIsEnd = CmtCvtLine( lnCurrent,fIsEnd )        lnCurrent = lnCurrent + 1;    }}*//***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : ComentCPPtoC ��������  : ת��C++ע��ΪCע�� �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��7��02��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���,֧�ֿ�ע��*****************************************************************************/macro ComentCPPtoC(){    hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()    hbuf = GetCurrentBuf()    lnFirst = GetWndSelLnFirst( hwnd )    lnCurrent = lnFirst    lnLast = GetWndSelLnLast( hwnd )    ch_comment = CharFromAscii(47)       isCommentEnd = 1    isCommentContinue = 0    while ( lnCurrent <= lnLast )    {        ich = 0        szLine = GetBufLine(hbuf,lnCurrent)        ilen = strlen(szLine)        while ( ich < ilen )        {            if( (szLine[ich] != " ") && (szLine[ich] != "\t") )            {                break            }            ich = ich + 1        }        /*����ǿ��У���������*/        if(ich == ilen)        {                     lnCurrent = lnCurrent + 1            szOldLine = szLine            continue         }                /*�������ֻ��һ���ַ�*/        if(ich > ilen - 2)        {            if( isCommentContinue == 1 )            {                szOldLine = cat(szOldLine,"  */")                PutBufLine(hbuf,lnCurrent-1,szOldLine)                isCommentContinue = 0            }            lnCurrent = lnCurrent + 1            szOldLine = szLine            continue         }               if( isCommentEnd == 1 )        {            /*���������ע������*/            if(( szLine[ich]==ch_comment ) && (szLine[ich+1]==ch_comment))            {                                /* ȥ���м�Ƕ�׵�ע�� */                nIdx = ich + 2                while ( nIdx < ilen -1 )                {                    if( (( szLine[nIdx] == "/" ) && (szLine[nIdx+1] == "*")||                         ( szLine[nIdx] == "*" ) && (szLine[nIdx+1] == "/") )                    {                        szLine[nIdx] = " "                        szLine[nIdx+1] = " "                    }                    nIdx = nIdx + 1                }                                if( isCommentContinue == 1 )                {                    /* �����������ע��*/                    szLine[ich] = " "                    szLine[ich+1] = " "                }                else                {                    /*�������������ע��������ע�͵Ŀ�ʼ*/                    szLine[ich] = "/"                    szLine[ich+1] = "*"                }                if ( lnCurrent == lnLast )                {                    /*��������һ��������β��ӽ���ע�ͷ�*/                    szLine = cat(szLine,"  */")                    isCommentContinue = 0                }                /*���¸���*/                PutBufLine(hbuf,lnCurrent,szLine)                isCommentContinue = 1                szOldLine = szLine                lnCurrent = lnCurrent + 1                continue             }            else            {                   /*������е���ʼ����//ע��*/                if( isCommentContinue == 1 )                {                    szOldLine = cat(szOldLine,"  */")                    PutBufLine(hbuf,lnCurrent-1,szOldLine)                    isCommentContinue = 0                }            }                }        while ( ich < ilen - 1 )        {            //�����/*ע�����������ö�            if( (isCommentEnd == 0) || (szLine[ich] == "/" && szLine[ich+1] == "*"))            {                isCommentEnd = 0                while(ich < ilen - 1 )                {                    if(szLine[ich] == "*" && szLine[ich+1] == "/")                    {                        ich = ich + 1                         isCommentEnd = 1                        break                    }                    ich = ich + 1                 }                if(ich >= ilen - 1)                {                    break                }            }                        if(( szLine[ich]==ch_comment ) && (szLine[ich+1]==ch_comment))            {                /* �����//ע��*/                isCommentContinue = 1                nIdx = ich                //ȥ���ڼ��/* �� */ע�ͷ��������ע��Ƕ�״���                while ( nIdx < ilen -1 )                {                    if( (( szLine[nIdx] == "/" ) && (szLine[nIdx+1] == "*")||                         ( szLine[nIdx] == "*" ) && (szLine[nIdx+1] == "/") )                    {                        szLine[nIdx] = " "                        szLine[nIdx+1] = " "                    }                    nIdx = nIdx + 1                }                szLine[ich+1] = "*"                if( lnCurrent == lnLast )                {                    szLine = cat(szLine,"  */")                }                PutBufLine(hbuf,lnCurrent,szLine)                break            }            ich = ich + 1        }        szOldLine = szLine        lnCurrent = lnCurrent + 1    }}macro ComentLine(){    hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()    hbuf = GetCurrentBuf()    lnFirst = GetWndSelLnFirst( hwnd )    lnCurrent = lnFirst    lnLast = GetWndSelLnLast( hwnd )    lnOld = 0    while ( lnCurrent <= lnLast )    {        szLine = GetBufLine(hbuf,lnCurrent)        DelBufLine(hbuf,lnCurrent)        nLeft = GetLeftBlank(szLine)        szLeft = strmid(szLine,0,nLeft);        szLine = TrimString(szLine)        ilen = strlen(szLine)        if(iLen == 0)        {            continue        }        nIdx = 0        //ȥ���ڼ��/* �� */ע�ͷ��������ע��Ƕ�״���        while ( nIdx < ilen -1 )        {            if( (( szLine[nIdx] == "/" ) && (szLine[nIdx+1] == "*")||                 ( szLine[nIdx] == "*" ) && (szLine[nIdx+1] == "/") )            {                szLine[nIdx] = " "                szLine[nIdx+1] = " "            }            nIdx = nIdx + 1        }        szLine = cat("/* ",szLine)        lnOld = lnCurrent        lnCurrent = CommentContent(hbuf,lnCurrent,szLeft,szLine,1)        lnLast = lnCurrent - lnOld + lnLast        lnCurrent = lnCurrent + 1    }}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : CmtCvtLine ��������  : ��//ת����/*ע�� �������  : lnCurrent   �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   :     ��    ��   :     �޸�����   :   2.��    ��   : 2008��7��02��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �޸���ע��Ƕ��������������*****************************************************************************/macro CmtCvtLine(lnCurrent, isCommentEnd){    hbuf = GetCurrentBuf()    szLine = GetBufLine(hbuf,lnCurrent)    ch_comment = CharFromAscii(47)       ich = 0    ilen = strlen(szLine)        fIsEnd = 1    iIsComment = 0;        while ( ich < ilen - 1 )    {        //�����/*ע�����������ö�        if( (isCommentEnd == 0) || (szLine[ich] == "/" && szLine[ich+1] == "*"))        {            fIsEnd = 0            while(ich < ilen - 1 )            {                if(szLine[ich] == "*" && szLine[ich+1] == "/")                {                    ich = ich + 1                     fIsEnd  = 1                    isCommentEnd = 1                    break                }                ich = ich + 1             }            if(ich >= ilen - 1)            {                break            }        }        if(( szLine[ich]==ch_comment ) && (szLine[ich+1]==ch_comment))        {            nIdx = ich            while ( nIdx < ilen -1 )            {                if( (( szLine[nIdx] == "/" ) && (szLine[nIdx+1] == "*")||                     ( szLine[nIdx] == "*" ) && (szLine[nIdx+1] == "/") )                {                    szLine[nIdx] = " "                    szLine[nIdx+1] = " "                }                nIdx = nIdx + 1            }            szLine[ich+1] = "*"            szLine = cat(szLine,"  */")            DelBufLine(hbuf,lnCurrent)            InsBufLine(hbuf,lnCurrent,szLine)            return fIsEnd        }        ich = ich + 1    }    return fIsEnd}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : GetFileNameExt ��������  : �õ��ļ���չ�� �������  : sz   �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��19��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro GetFileNameExt(sz){    i = 1    j = 0    szName = sz    iLen = strlen(sz)    if(iLen == 0)      return ""    while( i <= iLen)    {      if(sz[iLen-i] == ".")      {         j = iLen-i          szExt = strmid(sz,j + 1,iLen)         return szExt      }      i = i + 1    }    return ""}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : GetFileNameNoExt ��������  : �õ�������û����չ�� �������  : sz   �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��19��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro GetFileNameNoExt(sz){    i = 1    szName = sz    iLen = strlen(sz)    j = iLen     if(iLen == 0)      return ""    while( i <= iLen)    {      if(sz[iLen-i] == ".")      {         j = iLen-i       }      if( sz[iLen-i] == "\\" )      {         szName = strmid(sz,iLen-i+1,j)         return szName      }      i = i + 1    }    szName = strmid(sz,0,j)    return szName}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : GetFileName ��������  : �õ�����չ�����ļ��� �������  : sz   �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��19��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro GetFileName(sz){    i = 1    szName = sz    iLen = strlen(sz)    if(iLen == 0)      return ""    while( i <= iLen)    {      if(sz[iLen-i] == "\\")      {        szName = strmid(sz,iLen-i+1,iLen)        break      }      i = i + 1    }    return szName}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : InsIfdef ��������  : ����#ifdef��� �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��19��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro InsIfdef(){    sz = Ask("Enter #ifdef condition:")    if (sz != "")        IfdefStr(sz);}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : InsIfndef ��������  : ��ifndef���Բ������ڵ��ú� �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��24��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro InsIfndef(){    sz = Ask("Enter #ifndef condition:")    if (sz != "")        IfndefStr(sz);}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : InsertCPP ��������  : ��buf�в���C���Ͷ��� �������  : hbuf               ln     �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��24��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro InsertCPP(hbuf,ln){    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "#endif /* __cplusplus */")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "#endif")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "extern \"C\"{")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "#if __cplusplus")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "#ifdef __cplusplus")    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "")        iTotalLn = GetBufLineCount (hbuf)                InsBufLine(hbuf, iTotalLn, "")    InsBufLine(hbuf, iTotalLn, "#endif /* __cplusplus */")    InsBufLine(hbuf, iTotalLn, "#endif")    InsBufLine(hbuf, iTotalLn, "}")    InsBufLine(hbuf, iTotalLn, "#if __cplusplus")    InsBufLine(hbuf, iTotalLn, "#ifdef __cplusplus")    InsBufLine(hbuf, iTotalLn, "")}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : ReviseCommentProc ��������  : ���ⵥ�޸������ �������  : hbuf                   ln                     szCmd                  szMyName               szLine1    �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��24��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro ReviseCommentProc(hbuf,ln,szCmd,szMyName,szLine1){    if (szCmd == "ap")    {           SysTime = GetSysTime(1)        sz=SysTime.Year        sz1=SysTime.month        sz3=SysTime.day        if (sz1 < 10)        {        	szMonth = "0@sz1@"       	}       	else       	{       		szMonth = sz1       	}       	if (sz3 < 10)        {        	szDay = "0@sz3@"       	}       	else       	{       		szDay = sz3       	}                DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        szQuestion = AddPromblemNo()        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* �� �� ��: @szQuestion@     �޸���:@szMyName@,   ʱ��:@sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@ ");        szContent = Ask("�޸�ԭ��")        szLeft = cat(szLine1,"   �޸�ԭ��: ");        if(strlen(szLeft) > 70)        {            Msg("The right margine is small, Please use a new line")            stop         }        ln = CommentContent(hbuf,ln + 1,szLeft,szContent,1)        return    }    else if (szCmd == "ab")    {        SysTime = GetSysTime(1)        sz=SysTime.Year        sz1=SysTime.month        sz3=SysTime.day        if (sz1 < 10)        {        	szMonth = "0@sz1@"       	}       	else       	{       		szMonth = sz1       	}       	if (sz3 < 10)        {        	szDay = "0@sz3@"       	}       	else       	{       		szDay = sz3       	}                DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        szQuestion = GetReg ("PNO")        if(strlen(szQuestion)>0)        {            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* add begin by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@, Mantis��:@szQuestion@ */");        }        else        {            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* add begin by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@ */");                }        return    }    else if (szCmd == "ae")    {        SysTime = GetSysTime(1)        sz=SysTime.Year        sz1=SysTime.month        sz3=SysTime.day        if (sz1 < 10)        {        	szMonth = "0@sz1@"       	}       	else       	{       		szMonth = sz1       	}       	if (sz3 < 10)        {        	szDay = "0@sz3@"       	}       	else       	{       		szDay = sz3       	}        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* add end by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@ */");        return    }    else if (szCmd == "db")    {        SysTime = GetSysTime(1)        sz=SysTime.Year        sz1=SysTime.month        sz3=SysTime.day        if (sz1 < 10)        {        	szMonth = "0@sz1@"       	}       	else       	{       		szMonth = sz1       	}       	if (sz3 < 10)        {        	szDay = "0@sz3@"       	}       	else       	{       		szDay = sz3       	}        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        szQuestion = GetReg ("PNO")        if(strlen(szQuestion) > 0)        {            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* delete begin by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@, Mantis��:@szQuestion@ */");        }        else        {            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* delete begin by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@ */");        }                return    }    else if (szCmd == "de")    {        SysTime = GetSysTime(1)        sz=SysTime.Year        sz1=SysTime.month        sz3=SysTime.day        if (sz1 < 10)        {        	szMonth = "0@sz1@"       	}       	else       	{       		szMonth = sz1       	}       	if (sz3 < 10)        {        	szDay = "0@sz3@"       	}       	else       	{       		szDay = sz3       	}        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln + 0)        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* delete end by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@ */");        return    }    else if (szCmd == "mb")    {        SysTime = GetSysTime(1)        sz=SysTime.Year        sz1=SysTime.month        sz3=SysTime.day        if (sz1 < 10)        {        	szMonth = "0@sz1@"       	}       	else       	{       		szMonth = sz1       	}       	if (sz3 < 10)        {        	szDay = "0@sz3@"       	}       	else       	{       		szDay = sz3       	}        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        szQuestion = GetReg ("PNO")            if(strlen(szQuestion) > 0)        {            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* modify begin by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@, Mantis��:@szQuestion@ */");        }        else        {            InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* modify begin by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@ */");        }        return    }    else if (szCmd == "me")    {        SysTime = GetSysTime(1)        sz=SysTime.Year        sz1=SysTime.month        sz3=SysTime.day        if (sz1 < 10)        {        	szMonth = "0@sz1@"       	}       	else       	{       		szMonth = sz1       	}       	if (sz3 < 10)        {        	szDay = "0@sz3@"       	}       	else       	{       		szDay = sz3       	}        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szLine1@/* modify end by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@ */");        return    }}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : InsertReviseAdd ��������  : ��������޸�ע�Ͷ� �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��19��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro InsertReviseAdd(){    hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()    sel = GetWndSel(hwnd)    hbuf = GetCurrentBuf()    lnMax = GetBufLineCount(hbuf)    language = getreg(LANGUAGE)    if(language != 1)    {        language = 0    }    szMyName = getreg(MYNAME)    if(strlen( szMyName ) == 0)    {        szMyName = Ask("Enter your name:")        setreg(MYNAME, szMyName)    }    SysTime = GetSysTime(1)    sz=SysTime.Year    sz1=SysTime.month    sz3=SysTime.day    if (sz1 < 10)    {    	szMonth = "0@sz1@"   	}   	else   	{   		szMonth = sz1   	}   	if (sz3 < 10)    {    	szDay = "0@sz3@"   	}   	else   	{   		szDay = sz3   	}   	    if(sel.lnFirst == sel.lnLast && sel.ichFirst == sel.ichLim)    {        szLeft = CreateBlankString(sel.ichFirst)    }    else    {        szLine = GetBufLine( hbuf, sel.lnFirst )            nLeft = GetLeftBlank(szLine)        szLeft = strmid(szLine,0,nLeft);    }    szQuestion = GetReg ("PNO")    if(strlen(szQuestion)>0)    {        InsBufLine(hbuf, sel.lnFirst, "@szLeft@/* add begin by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@, Mantis��:@szQuestion@ */");    }    else    {        InsBufLine(hbuf, sel.lnFirst, "@szLeft@/* add begin by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@ */";            }    if(sel.lnLast < lnMax - 1)    {        InsBufLine(hbuf, sel.lnLast + 2, "@szLeft@/* add end by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@ */");                }    else    {        AppendBufLine(hbuf, "@szLeft@/* add end by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@ */");                            }    SetBufIns(hbuf,sel.lnFirst + 1,strlen(szLeft))}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : InsertReviseDel ��������  : ����ɾ���޸�ע�Ͷ� �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��19��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro InsertReviseDel(){    hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()    sel = GetWndSel(hwnd)    hbuf = GetCurrentBuf()    lnMax = GetBufLineCount(hbuf)    language = getreg(LANGUAGE)    if(language != 1)    {        language = 0    }    szMyName = getreg(MYNAME)    if(strlen( szMyName ) == 0)    {        szMyName = Ask("Enter your name:")        setreg(MYNAME, szMyName)    }    SysTime = GetSysTime(1)    sz=SysTime.Year    sz1=SysTime.month    sz3=SysTime.day    if (sz1 < 10)    {    	szMonth = "0@sz1@"   	}   	else   	{   		szMonth = sz1   	}   	if (sz3 < 10)    {    	szDay = "0@sz3@"   	}   	else   	{   		szDay = sz3   	}    if(sel.lnFirst == sel.lnLast && sel.ichFirst == sel.ichLim)    {        szLeft = CreateBlankString(sel.ichFirst)    }    else    {        szLine = GetBufLine( hbuf, sel.lnFirst )            nLeft = GetLeftBlank(szLine)        szLeft = strmid(szLine,0,nLeft);    }    szQuestion = GetReg ("PNO")    if(strlen(szQuestion)>0)    {        InsBufLine(hbuf, sel.lnFirst, "@szLeft@/* delete begin by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@, Mantis��:@szQuestion@*/");    }    else    {        InsBufLine(hbuf, sel.lnFirst, "@szLeft@/* delete begin by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@ */");            }    if(sel.lnLast < lnMax - 1)    {        InsBufLine(hbuf, sel.lnLast + 2, "@szLeft@/* delete end by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@ */");                }    else    {        AppendBufLine(hbuf, "@szLeft@/* delete end by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@ */");                            }    SetBufIns(hbuf,sel.lnFirst + 1,strlen(szLeft))}/***************************************************************************** �� �� ��  : InsertReviseMod ��������  : �����޸�ע�Ͷ� �������  : �� �� �� ֵ  :  ���ú���  :  ��������  :   �޸���ʷ      :  1.��    ��   : 2008��6��19��    ��    ��   : ��ǿ    �޸�����   : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro InsertReviseMod(){    hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()    sel = GetWndSel(hwnd)    hbuf = GetCurrentBuf()    lnMax = GetBufLineCount(hbuf)    language = getreg(LANGUAGE)    if(language != 1)    {        language = 0    }    szMyName = getreg(MYNAME)    if(strlen( szMyName ) == 0)    {        szMyName = Ask("Enter your name:")        setreg(MYNAME, szMyName)    }    SysTime = GetSysTime(1)    sz=SysTime.Year    sz1=SysTime.month    sz3=SysTime.day    if (sz1 < 10)    {    	szMonth = "0@sz1@"   	}   	else   	{   		szMonth = sz1   	}   	if (sz3 < 10)    {    	szDay = "0@sz3@"   	}   	else   	{   		szDay = sz3   	}   	//�õ������ѡ���ַ����Ŀհײ��֣�������szLeft��,Ŀ���DZ�֤����    if(sel.lnFirst == sel.lnLast && sel.ichFirst == sel.ichLim)    {        szLeft = CreateBlankString(sel.ichFirst)    }    else    {        szLine = GetBufLine( hbuf, sel.lnFirst )            nLeft = GetLeftBlank(szLine)        szLeft = strmid(szLine,0,nLeft);    }    szQuestion = GetReg ("PNO")    if(strlen(szQuestion)>0)    {        InsBufLine(hbuf, sel.lnFirst, "@szLeft@/* modify begin by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@, Mantis��:@szQuestion@ */");    }    else    {        InsBufLine(hbuf, sel.lnFirst, "@szLeft@/* modify begin by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@ */");            }    if(sel.lnLast < lnMax - 1)    {        InsBufLine(hbuf, sel.lnLast + 2, "@szLeft@/* modify end by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@ */");                }    else    {        AppendBufLine(hbuf, "@szLeft@/* modif end by @szMyName@, @sz@-@szMonth@-@szDay@ */");                            }    SetBufIns(hbuf,sel.lnFirst + 1,strlen(szLeft))}// Wrap ifdef 
.. endif around the current selectionmacro IfdefStr(sz){ hwnd = GetCurrentWnd() lnFirst = GetWndSelLnFirst(hwnd) lnLast = GetWndSelLnLast(hwnd) hbuf = GetCurrentBuf() lnMax = GetBufLineCount(hbuf) if(lnMax != 0) { szLine = GetBufLine( hbuf, lnFirst ) } nLeft = GetLeftBlank(szLine) szLeft = strmid(szLine,0,nLeft); hbuf = GetCurrentBuf() if(lnLast + 1 < lnMax) { InsBufLine(hbuf, lnLast+1, "@szLeft@#endif /* @sz@ */") } else if(lnLast + 1 == lnMax) { AppendBufLine(hbuf, "@szLeft@#endif /* @sz@ */") } else { AppendBufLine(hbuf, "") AppendBufLine(hbuf, "@szLeft@#endif /* @sz@ */") } InsBufLine(hbuf, lnFirst, "@szLeft@#ifdef @sz@") SetBufIns(hbuf,lnFirst + 1,strlen(szLeft))}/***************************************************************************** �� �� �� : IfndefStr �������� : ���룣ifndef���� ������� : sz ������� : �� �� �� ֵ : ���ú��� : �������� : �޸���ʷ : 1.�� �� : 2008��6��24�� �� �� : ��ǿ �޸����� : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro IfndefStr(sz){ hwnd = GetCurrentWnd() lnFirst = GetWndSelLnFirst(hwnd) lnLast = GetWndSelLnLast(hwnd) hbuf = GetCurrentBuf() lnMax = GetBufLineCount(hbuf) if(lnMax != 0) { szLine = GetBufLine( hbuf, lnFirst ) } nLeft = GetLeftBlank(szLine) szLeft = strmid(szLine,0,nLeft); hbuf = GetCurrentBuf() if(lnLast + 1 < lnMax) { InsBufLine(hbuf, lnLast+1, "@szLeft@#endif /* @sz@ */") } else if(lnLast + 1 == lnMax) { AppendBufLine(hbuf, "@szLeft@#endif /* @sz@ */") } else { AppendBufLine(hbuf, "") AppendBufLine(hbuf, "@szLeft@#endif /* @sz@ */") } InsBufLine(hbuf, lnFirst, "@szLeft@#ifndef @sz@") SetBufIns(hbuf,lnFirst + 1,strlen(szLeft))}/***************************************************************************** �� �� �� : InsertPredefIf �������� : ���룣if���Ե���ڵ��ú� ������� : �� �� �� ֵ : ���ú��� : �������� : �޸���ʷ : 1.�� �� : 2008��6��24�� �� �� : ��ǿ �޸����� : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro InsertPredefIf(){ sz = Ask("Enter #if condition:") PredefIfStr(sz)}/***************************************************************************** �� �� �� : PredefIfStr �������� : ��ѡ����ǰ����룣if���� ������� : sz ������� : �� �� �� ֵ : ���ú��� : �������� : �޸���ʷ : 1.�� �� : 2008��6��24�� �� �� : ��ǿ �޸����� : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro PredefIfStr(sz){ hwnd = GetCurrentWnd() lnFirst = GetWndSelLnFirst(hwnd) lnLast = GetWndSelLnLast(hwnd) hbuf = GetCurrentBuf() lnMax = GetBufLineCount(hbuf) if(lnMax != 0) { szLine = GetBufLine( hbuf, lnFirst ) } nLeft = GetLeftBlank(szLine) szLeft = strmid(szLine,0,nLeft); hbuf = GetCurrentBuf() if(lnLast + 1 < lnMax) { InsBufLine(hbuf, lnLast+1, "@szLeft@#endif /* #if @sz@ */") } else if(lnLast + 1 == lnMax) { AppendBufLine(hbuf, "@szLeft@#endif /* #if @sz@ */") } else { AppendBufLine(hbuf, "") AppendBufLine(hbuf, "@szLeft@#endif /* #if @sz@ */") } InsBufLine(hbuf, lnFirst, "@szLeft@#if @sz@") SetBufIns(hbuf,lnFirst + 1,strlen(szLeft))}/***************************************************************************** �� �� �� : HeadIfdefStr �������� : ��ѡ����ǰ�����#ifdef���� ������� : sz ������� : �� �� �� ֵ : ���ú��� : �������� : �޸���ʷ : 1.�� �� : 2008��6��24�� �� �� : ��ǿ �޸����� : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro HeadIfdefStr(sz){ hwnd = GetCurrentWnd() lnFirst = GetWndSelLnFirst(hwnd) hbuf = GetCurrentBuf() InsBufLine(hbuf, lnFirst, "") InsBufLine(hbuf, lnFirst, "#define @sz@") InsBufLine(hbuf, lnFirst, "#ifndef @sz@") iTotalLn = GetBufLineCount (hbuf) InsBufLine(hbuf, iTotalLn, "#endif /* @sz@ */") InsBufLine(hbuf, iTotalLn, "")}/***************************************************************************** �� �� �� : GetSysTime �������� : ȡ��ϵͳʱ�䣬ֻ��V2.1ʱ���� ������� : a ������� : �� �� �� ֵ : ���ú��� : �������� : �޸���ʷ : 1.�� �� : 2008��6��24�� �� �� : ��ǿ �޸����� : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro GetSysTime(a){ //��sidateȡ��ʱ�� RunCmd ("sidate") SysTime="" SysTime.Year=getreg(Year) if(strlen(SysTime.Year)==0) { setreg(Year,"2008") setreg(Month,"05") setreg(Day,"02") SysTime.Year="2008" SysTime.month="05" SysTime.day="20" SysTime.Date="2008��05��20��" } else { SysTime.Month=getreg(Month) SysTime.Day=getreg(Day) SysTime.Date=getreg(Date) /* SysTime.Date=cat(SysTime.Year,"��") SysTime.Date=cat(SysTime.Date,SysTime.Month) SysTime.Date=cat(SysTime.Date,"��") SysTime.Date=cat(SysTime.Date,SysTime.Day) SysTime.Date=cat(SysTime.Date,"��")*/ } return SysTime}/***************************************************************************** �� �� �� : HeaderFileCreate �������� : ����ͷ�ļ� ������� : �� �� �� ֵ : ���ú��� : �������� : �޸���ʷ : 1.�� �� : 2008��6��19�� �� �� : ��ǿ �޸����� : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro HeaderFileCreate(){ hwnd = GetCurrentWnd() if (hwnd == 0) stop sel = GetWndSel(hwnd) hbuf = GetWndBuf(hwnd) language = getreg(LANGUAGE) if(language != 1) { language = 0 } szMyName = getreg(MYNAME) if(strlen( szMyName ) == 0) { szMyName = Ask("Enter your name:") setreg(MYNAME, szMyName) } CreateFunctionDef(hbuf,szMyName,language)}/***************************************************************************** �� �� �� : FunctionHeaderCreate �������� : ���ɺ���ͷ ������� : �� �� �� ֵ : ���ú��� : �������� : �޸���ʷ : 1.�� �� : 2008��6��19�� �� �� : ��ǿ �޸����� : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro FunctionHeaderCreate(){ hwnd = GetCurrentWnd() if (hwnd == 0) stop sel = GetWndSel(hwnd) ln = sel.lnFirst hbuf = GetWndBuf(hwnd) language = getreg(LANGUAGE) if(language != 1) { language = 0 } szMyName = getreg(MYNAME) if(strlen( szMyName ) == 0) { szMyName = Ask("Enter your name:") setreg(MYNAME, szMyName) } nVer = GetVersion() lnMax = GetBufLineCount(hbuf) if(ln != lnMax) { szNextLine = GetBufLine(hbuf,ln) if( (strstr(szNextLine,"(") != 0xffffffff) || (nVer != 2 )) { symbol = GetCurSymbol() if(strlen(symbol) != 0) { if(language == 0) { FuncHeadCommentCN(hbuf, ln, symbol, szMyName,0) } else { FuncHeadCommentEN(hbuf, ln, symbol, szMyName,0) } return } } } if(language == 0 ) { szFuncName = Ask("�����뺯������:") FuncHeadCommentCN(hbuf, ln, szFuncName, szMyName, 1) } else { szFuncName = Ask("Please input function name") FuncHeadCommentEN(hbuf, ln, szFuncName, szMyName, 1) }}/***************************************************************************** �� �� �� : GetVersion �������� : �õ�Si�İ汾�� ������� : �� �� �� ֵ : ���ú��� : �������� : �޸���ʷ : 1.�� �� : 2008��6��19�� �� �� : ��ǿ �޸����� : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro GetVersion(){ Record = GetProgramInfo () return Record.versionMajor}/***************************************************************************** �� �� �� : GetProgramInfo �������� : ��ó�����Ϣ��V2.1���� ������� : �� �� �� ֵ : ���ú��� : �������� : �޸���ʷ : 1.�� �� : 2008��6��19�� �� �� : ��ǿ �޸����� : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro GetProgramInfo (){ Record = "" Record.versionMajor = 2 Record.versionMinor = 1 return Record}/***************************************************************************** �� �� �� : FileHeaderCreate �������� : �����ļ�ͷ ������� : �� �� �� ֵ : ���ú��� : �������� : �޸���ʷ : 1.�� �� : 2008��6��19�� �� �� : ��ǿ �޸����� : �����ɺ���*****************************************************************************/macro FileHeaderCreate(){ hwnd = GetCurrentWnd() if (hwnd == 0) stop ln = 0 hbuf = GetWndBuf(hwnd) language = getreg(LANGUAGE) if(language != 1) { language = 0 } szMyName = getreg(MYNAME) if(strlen( szMyName ) == 0) { szMyName = Ask("Enter your name:") setreg(MYNAME, szMyName) } SetBufIns (hbuf, 0, 0) if(language == 0) { InsertFileHeaderCN( hbuf,ln, szMyName,"" ) } else { InsertFileHeaderEN( hbuf,ln, szMyName,"" ) }}



3、option->Key Assignments中,找到对应的宏函数,添加快捷键



httpclient4.5.2 Post请求支持http和https
Sql2005:provider: 命名管道提供程序, error: 40 - 无法打开到 SQL Server 的连接
SQL Server主键自动生成_表and存储过程
selenium无法正常运行 Chrome浏览器,cannot find Chrome binary的问题
EventBus 最简易的使用方式
Microsoft Office word powerpoint 中删除MathType加载项后每次启动显示加载错误
剑指offer54 表示数值的字符串